Failed at work


I'm new here. I was finally given a shot at work, I managed 2 weeks, five days and now I'm burnt out and feeling our rubbish mentally and physically. I feel like a failure.

The annoying thing is I really enjoyed working but the effects it has caused is almost unbearable. My anxiety is awful. My mental health is triggered and I'm struggling to sleep again and feel tired all the time.

My boss has asked me a few times when I'll be back and I don't know when or if I will. My gut tells me I'm not going to go back again... My anxiety can't take it.

  • The first few weeks of any job is awful, for everyone. You feel like such a clueless outsider. But once you get used to the routine and things become familiar it gets better. If not, then yes, leave. But try to give it another go, one day at a time, speak to your boss so you get some encouragement and support, and congratulate yourself at the end of the day for one tiny thing that doesn't feel horrendous.

    Good luck.

  • Thanks. I give up too easily at every hurdle, it's a habit I've got in to and I need to stop letting anxiety rule my life and ruin everything for me. The days I worked were successful, but then I was wrecked after really tired and hardly able to function.

    My boss is at least very understanding. I've not gone in a few days and let her down but she's been supportive and said to let her know when I can go back in. I'm lucky from that regard.

  • Thanks. I give up too easily at every hurdle, it's a habit I've got in to and I need to stop letting anxiety rule my life and ruin everything for me. The days I worked were successful, but then I was wrecked after really tired and hardly able to function.

    My boss is at least very understanding. I've not gone in a few days and let her down but she's been supportive and said to let her know when I can go back in. I'm lucky from that regard.

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