Autistic Burnout


I have Autism and I am struggling with severe boughts of Autistic Burnout, usually due to pushing myself to hard at work.

I cannot seem to regulate this, does anyone have any advice on what I can do, as getting help or support is near impossible.

Kind regards


  • I’m so sorry you feel like this. It’s really rough and can make you feel more isolated at times. When I have burnout I find the following help. 

    - doing a list of 15 things I believe about myself (sounds silly and i didn’t believe it would help till i did it a few times), for example ‘ I believe I feel awful today and that’s ok’ , ‘ I believe i’m going through a rough patch, not a rough life’ , ‘ I believe resting and listening to my bodies boundaries will help me feel better sooner’…. slowly I have found it has helped me be less harsh and accept things more that’s helped me in burnout 

    - Only do what you have to do. If you’re feeling exhausted from work, make sure to rest after work for example, don’t forse yourself to do more than you can. 

    - Give yourself some slack. I find when I am in burnout I put more pressure on myself to perform, which just leads me to feel worse for longer. 

    - Try if it’s possible to make more time for things you enjoy, big or small. This could also help recharge you. 

    - Make sure you have at least an hour before bed to switch of and relax to help with get better sleep

    I hope this helps and I hope you feel better very soon 

  • I am also experiencing burn out and this is very helpful, thank you!

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