When random thoughts affect your mood

I don't know if this is an autistic experience or something else.

I could be going about my day, minding my own business, and suddenly I'm reminded of a horrible thing someone said to me or a really bad mistake that I made. Suddenly it completely takes me off track.

It alters my mood almost instantly, and I didn't even choose to think about that thing. It just popped into my head, and it won't leave for a while.

Sort of related: I did a few diagnostic tests for OCD and I scored quite highly on all of them.

  • I have exactly the same issue. I can be happy, peaceful, sat watching a film and all of a sudden something horrible will come into my head, either an anxiety or bad memory or a fear about the future, for instance "How will I cope when my parents die?" or "what if my wife left me?" stuff like that and then the feeling of peacefulness is just gone

  • I have exactly the same issue. I can be happy, peaceful, sat watching a film and all of a sudden something horrible will come into my head, either an anxiety or bad memory or a fear about the future, for instance "How will I cope when my parents die?" or "what if my wife left me?" stuff like that and then the feeling of peacefulness is just gone
