The forgotten and procrastinated projects thread

A thread to discuss all those projects we’ve wanted to do for ages but can never find the time, energy or money for.

I’ll start.

  1. I’ve wanted to write a textbook. For ages I’ve had it in the back of my mind. Most maths degrees have a very similar structure and content in the first year regardless of the university. So I was thinking of writing one textbook that would cover nearly all of that material. You see maths degrees are very flexible. By the second year usually no modules are compulsory. So what’s the point in buying a big textbook on subject X if you are only going to study the the first few chapters?
  2. I would really like to try book binding. There is something extremely satisfying about watching the binding and decoration of a hefty hardback book.
  3. I would like to make my own laptop. Not just a kit. I’d like to design my own motherboard, possibly using FPGAs
  4. I want to make my own GPU compute cluster. With one or two mother boards each with multiple graphics cards. Only I want it to look cool like a supercomputer from an 80s sci fi. I was thinking of mounting the mother boards and GPUs on a wall behind a clear plastic plate instead of in cases. Maybe with a lot of flashy LEDs run by a raspberry pi.
  5. I want to make my own online dating app.
  6. I want to make an app that will let you use a wifi router to turn near by phones into a ‘PA system.’ I was thinking you could use it to run events like silent discos or public lectures in public spaces so you could run stuff without a venue. (Which is tough to get for small community groups)
  7. I used to have this free game that came with a computing magazine that was basically a naughty video game for groups of consenting adults. Think truth or dare but more sexual and the computer picks the dares. Any way the hardware that ran it is obsolete so I’ve had several abandoned attempts to code my own version of the game.
  8. I’d like to make my own drone, ultra light. Basically just a PCB with everything, even the motors, surface mounted.
  9. I want to make my own personal radar scanner to ‘see through’ walls. There is one that can use wifi signals bouncing off things as a source so it should be possible to do legally.
  10. I’d like to try my hand at ladies fashion design. Especially lingerie. It’s about the only thing that would actually motivate me to do a textiles based project.
  • That is indeed unfortunate. It didn’t use to be like that in my day. I guess giving students choice isn’t universal across universities. Although I think just because somethings are foundational most 1st years across unis are similar.

  • I just want to say that in regards to your first point - my maths degree has all of first year and second year modules compulsory and one of the third year modules compulsory. We have very little freedom and choice unfortunately.

    In regards to things I'd like to do:

    1) I'd like to write a book or multiple. I always wanted to be an author when I was a kid.

    2) I want to learn how to crochet.

    3) I really wanna do a podcast about reading.

    4) I want to get into bullet journaling, but it always seems so hard and I would love an artistic one but I am horrifically bad at art...

  • This topic is awesome I have a lot of notebooks lying around full of madcap ideas that never see an end. My main cyclical projects that I return to through the decades

    • Finishing an album (I'm old school). I end up struggling to pick the songs I want to produce out of a rough state and get conflicting feelings about Thier order and message so I scrap the whole idea but I have a great time anyway
    • Producing my own graphic novel. I take on way too many roles that I lose focus and burn out.
    • Producing my own indie game as part of my graphic novel and again the roles and workload burns me out forcing me to drop it every now and again

    So this is just scratching the surface because I pick up every hobby under the sun and try to apply it in some way to my creative endeavours. 

    I love learning new skills and the process of creating stuff that I can easily keep going. I've always struggled with the desire to actually share it with the world because It is all so fun that honestly I forget to.

  • I have so many.

    1. I want to create my own 3D video game.

    2. I've always loved the idea of being a professional singer.

    3. I want to be as fit and have as much muscle as Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    4. I'd love to make a ship identical to the RMS Titanic.

    5. I want to write and publish a book series.

    6. I'd love to gain more knowledge on science.

    7. I want to create and design my own phone.

    8. I would love to build my own house.

    9. I want to visit Italy.

    10. I would love to learn and be able to do karate.

    11. Want to travel the country.

    12. Own and read over 1,000 books.

  • and we can judgeThumbsupBlushMusical scoreMusical noteNotes

  • I've wanted to do a series of acapella singing videos for YouTube for nearly 6.5 years. Got nowhere. Haven't been able to build any confidence with singing.

  • I stalled on setting up a podcast. But I'm so polymath, I couldn't home in on one topic.