Quick potential n00b question

Yo autistic people, newbie forum user and new to knowing my diagnosis at 41, I am now 42. I have a quick question if I may, it might be a very common autistic thing but forgive me if it is. Quick background on me as I feel it might be needed, Been an alcoholic since my early teens, now sober and obviously now I know it was used to hide my autism

Recently, last few months I have noticed the buzzing in my head is a lot louder than it used to be, sure everyone hears a slight buzz? As well as this sensation my light headed feeling, like when you get up too quick and get a head buzz for a second or two is happening a lot and in all positions, Sat, laying, stood etc but it is happening for a lot longer, a little hard to tell but I would guess ten ish seconds or so. During this time I can only describe it as zoning out which I know is a big autistic thing and I suffer from it but this is different, I hope this don't sound mental but I am certain I can observe myself and also be very aware of two different consciousness/thoughts/feelings, does this make sense to anyone? I had a meltdown a few days back after becoming very confused and frustrated with myself and others as I felt like I was not being taken seriously and I was feeling rough as hell with headaches, BOOM! Meltdown. My Wife was trying to bring me back to earth and make me safe, I remember having zero control over my emotions, I was crying so intensely which I have not done since a child, I was scared that I did not have control over my own mind and it frightened the *** out of me but then I would switch instantly, laugh and start talking some version of reason and go back and forth between the two

Leading  up to the meltdown with the weird extending zoning out I was and still remain to be walking into walls, bumping into furniture occasionally and doing embarrassing things like go for a piss but not pull my boxers or trousers down

So yeah, this kind of thing normal with autistic people? Obviously been autistic my whole life but for the last twenty five years I was an alcoholic, currently two years sober and one year diagnosed hence I have zero idea about my own ***

Peace. Doberkiin