
I have a number of irrational fears that come up, so I was wonder what other people were often afraid of throughout life?

3 irrational fears, go!

  • It's hard because most of my fears don't seem irrational. Like I also check all the locks multiple times before I go to bed or leave the house, but I've forgotten to shut the front door or left my key in the lock outside before, so it's a sensible concern. And I'm scared of panic attacks and breakdowns but that's happened before, so...

    I guess my one that's probably least rational is falling. Crossing a bridge or walking next to a canal or whatever, no matter how impossible it would be to actually fall, I feel almost like there's this invisible force sucking me towards the drop or water and I have to fight against it. 

  • TriS I get that too but only on canals or a river edge where there is no barrier, I am CONVINCED I will fall in. It's ridiculous. 

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