Identifying feelings

One of the questions asked in the screening process for my diagnosis was "Do you struggle to identify your feelings" 

I answered this question with a huge, relieved, resounding "YES".  I honestly believe if I had ever been able to identify and name what my feelings are? I wouldn't be in half this mess I'm in now. 

My last therapist told me about something called a feeling wheel - which I am not ashamed to say my 30-something yr old ass found SO helpful. I'll include a link below:

I bought one of these and stuck it on my wall above my desk. Whenever I was getting 'feelings' (hard to identify but you feel the bubbling up) I could look at this and be like 'okay I think it is THIS;. 

Something this evening has made me feel sad :( and disappointed :( and maybe remorseful :( 

It is helpful to have the feeling wheel to identify what those are rather than them coming out in bad ways (like hurting myself). 

Thought I'd share in case it was helpful for someone else.