Anyone have problems with banks?

I cannot use a phone or go into a branch so I am having great difficulty with second level authentication when shopping online.  I wondered what other people's experiences have been.

  • We are beyond neck-deep in this global experiment of "internet everything".....time will tell, but the omens are not great!

  • Lol.. When I was reading this title I had imagined that the subject would be about, how your ‘private and/or family-life’ had failed to align with the ‘interests of the times’, which had meant that you had drawn the ire of your bank..:3

  • Cash is king....and simple.  Always my preferred means of transaction.

    I took a fe hundred quid out the bank when I was back in the UK in May - 2 weeks later I was about to leave and realised I hadn't spent any of it - most everywhere was cashless transactions or ordering online.

    I ended up giving it to my mum to spend as it is rapidly becoming obsolete.

    This seems to ne very much the banking systems preference as all transactions an be recorded so they can pass on the info to marketing companies for target their advertising, pass to the government so they can make sure your transactions line up with your declared money and tax you accordingly and to the police so they can find out if you are up to no good,

    Scary stuff and it is all more or less here now.

  • Not a fan of banks since humans were removed from the circa 2008 in my world.

    I keep my affairs as simple and straightforward as possible ... there is no one there to help me with the "online" nonsense that we are all forced to engage with these days.

    Cash is king....and simple.  Always my preferred means of transaction.

  • It depends on your bank I think, my main bank account I can get a code sent to my mobile phone via text or get sent an email then type into the shopping website authentication page but my credit card will ask me to open the mobile app to authorise the payment. When you say you can’t use the phone is that for speaking to people? If you are able to use apps/text/email on a smartphone maybe someone can help you set up online banking. I find it so convenient to have on my phone, especially now lots of branches are closing down or open at times I can’t go

  • Is there anyone who can help you with banking? My mum helped me when I first started banking and then she helped me with online banking to make it easier. If there's anyone who can help then definitely see if they will it will make it so much easier for you.

  • I'm fine with it in the UK, but the banking system here in Brazil is a confusing mess of incompetence and bad design.

    Do you have someone who can help you through the process of setting it up and becoming familiar with how it works day to day?

    I don't think the banks will make much allowance for people in your situation as it costs them staff and designing systems for what they consider too small a minority to invest in.

    My mother (late 80s) was trained up by me and she helps the other people of her generation in her sheltered housing to navigate the new way of doing things. She finds that explaining it in ways that makes sense to their mind is the key.

    Everything is based around what is called multi-factor-authentication which means you need to not only know your passwords and passcodes but have a device that is unique to you (mobile phone normally) that they can send a third piece of password to.

    The reasons for this is that hackers are very advanced now and the banks need to create new and effective ways to make it incredibly difficult to impersonate you.

    I rather suspect it will be a case of learn or stop using it unfortunately.