Help with benefits?

Hello there :) 

I have been trying to navigate the UK benefits system but it seems impossible to speak to just *one person* to get an understanding about what are the options. There are pages and pages of information, including on this website, but I don't know which of the categories applies to me. I find it really overwhelming.

Maybe if someone has experience of this system they can help guide me? 

I have looked at universal credit, but from what I understand they won't let me have this because I have £XXXX sum of money in savings. They deny requests from anyone with savings over a certain amount. So UC is off the table.

Tax credits - I can't get my head around how these work or even really what they are? 

PIP - I understand that this is only for people who need physical or practical help living day-to-day. I don't think I meet these criteria, as I live alone and do everything myself (washing, cooking, etc).

Council tax benefits - I don't understand/know how to claim. 

Help with rent - I don't understand/know how to claim. 

A little bit about me: I work part-time, about 27hrs a week and earn about 21k a year. I live alone. No children. As well as Autism, I also have complex PTSD, ADHD, Dyspraxia, etc. 

The issue I'm encountering is that because of my mental health/autism, I'm not able to work full time and so need help topping up my income which I understand the government will do, but I am not I did work full time until about a year ago when the burnout just got too much and I had to ask my work to reduce my hours.

Thank you so much to anyone reading and/or replying! I wasn't sure where to turn but someone on a Facebook autism page said you might be able to help :) 

  • Hi everyone - I thought I would post a little update. I don't know where this reply will go in the thread below but hopefully you can see it. 

    I emailed citizens advice last night, but the website only let your type a short paragraph and, being me, I had a LOT to say/explain so that was tough. They basically emailed back today to say they can't give advice over email, so call. 

    SO I called and spoke to an advisor. She prettttty much said that I can't be eligible for most benefits because I have savings over £16k. It rules out: Universal Credit, housing benefit, council tax benefit and something called ESA which she explained is not really a benefit, but for people who aren't able to work at all. 

    The only option left to me is PIP which from what I have read online is a) super hard to get approved for and b) I may not fit the criteria for anyway since I am 'high functioning' (whatever that means). 

    Anyway, so that's where I am at with the whole thing. Any other advice people can offer is super welcome! Here to chat anytime Slight smile

  • Ohhh thank you Iain - I will take a look at that now :) 

  • There is quite a good list of contacts and links for help with claiming benefits here:

    I have not used the company but all the links I checked seemed legit.

  • No issue applying and being rejected except wasting your time. CT is Council Tax. 

    • ESA is Employment and Support Allowance awarded if you have a limited capacity for work, miniman hours, and can only earn up to £167.00 per week and up to a max of 16 hours per week. 

    PIP Even if you carry out the daily tasks but with difficulty due to fatigue, OCD, anxiety, overwhelm resulting in you being worn out, needing to rest fir example it can still apply, but its not an easy form to complete. You need to think of your worst days and how it affects you. I am told the CAB can help with completing the form and appealing if necessary. Prepare your notes for the completion of the form. Sometimes we forget how we struggle so much because it hss become a daily occurence for us. 

  • Oh okay, thanks Ladybug! When I read the PIP form I assumed 'this isn't for me' because it is asking about really simple daily tasks, which I do myself. But I guess I do find lots of things hard, but I do them any way because there is nobody else to help me. Maybe I should have a re-read of the forms. Thanks!

  • That's the income ESA your get shifted to UC.

  • I think you are still eligible for PIP if your mental health and conditions prevent you from daily life activities. I don’t know anything about the others sorry.

  • Aww, okay. I didn't know what means tested means until just now when I googled it. Right, gotcha. Okay so I can rule out universal credit and whatever CT is. ESA *sounds* like it might be applicable for me, BUT again when you google it, it says that this is being shifted over into the universal credit system so...I'm not sure. 

    Are there any issues with me applying and being rejected? Does that hurt me anyhow in terms of my credit or other statuses? I am tempted to just apply with the info I have and see what happens...

  • Some benefits are means tested, i think these are UC, CT  reduction,  housing benefit.

    ESA is not means tested but i think you work more than the permitted hours/allowance.

    PIP is not means tested. You may still be entitled despite living independently. It is based on how your health condition affects you. 

  • Ah, that's a great tip. 

  • Think the best thing is to go to the branch in person. 

  • Okay great! I know that they can signpost, but I guessed they'd just send me back to the GOV.UK websites, which for me aren't that helpful. I feel like there is quite a lot of jargon and also now *everything* is transferring over to universal credit, its so hard to understand what I can apply for. I will hunt down the right email address now though, thank you Zengarden!