Authority/Confontation Issues

I've always been curious:

Does anyone else have a hard time with authority? 

I buckle to anyone whose labeled authorative to me. 

I don't know if it's nature or nurture but rebelling or even speaking up against a boss, parent, old memeber of the family ect feels so SO wrong and uncomfortable. Really I'm such a people pleaser, confrontation in general feels shameful!

My mum raised me and my sister to be good, be quiet and be polite. Good standard stuff. But by the time I was a teen my mum's friend tried to inspire me to chase my dreams by trying reverse psychology ans tell me I'm too thick and there's no money in my desires feild. I didn't question it. I thought she was saying the normal thing adults say. My place in the world was shaky after this. 

What about confrontation? Even bullying? 

I found I passivly stood between the threat and my friends. 

I've always been scared of what happens if I fight back! 

  • The exact opposite. I have a real problem with anyone insisting that things being done in a certain way or that certain rules are adhered to when I view those rules and procedures as illogical. That doesn’t mean I don’t do it but I’m sure as hell not going to be happy about it. And in all probability someone’s going to get an earful over it.

  • The exact opposite. I have a real problem with anyone insisting that things being done in a certain way or that certain rules are adhered to when I view those rules and procedures as illogical. That doesn’t mean I don’t do it but I’m sure as hell not going to be happy about it. And in all probability someone’s going to get an earful over it.

  • I have a real problem with anyone insisting that things being done in a certain way or that certain rules are adhered to when I view those rules and procedures as illogical.

    That is a very autistic trait and one I share.

    We typically have strong moral compasses and when we see rules that are stupid or plain wrong to us then we react to those.

    This has gotten me into trouble on more than a few occasions mind you.