Misunderstanding relationships

My autistic son wants to be like everyone else and have a partner, home etc.  he encounters women at the gym and work and he goes headlong into building relationships with them but he is clumsy, direct and full on.  Unfortunately he comes across as inappropriate and a little odd.  How do we advise him to take a step back.  Whenever we approach the subject he just accuses us of interfering with his friends.  We are worried someone will not understand him.

  • Hi I'm sorry your son is finding these difficulties. I completely understand how he feels, it's hard work making friends when you have autism let alone trying to find a partner. I think the best thing you can do is let him know you're there for him, that will mean a lot to him and then he can turn to you if he wants to. Otherwise he'll probably take offense and feel you're interfering. Sometimes people need to work things out on their own but if he knows he can turn to you when needed that will be a comfort to him. I hope it all works out for him.

  • Hi I'm sorry your son is finding these difficulties. I completely understand how he feels, it's hard work making friends when you have autism let alone trying to find a partner. I think the best thing you can do is let him know you're there for him, that will mean a lot to him and then he can turn to you if he wants to. Otherwise he'll probably take offense and feel you're interfering. Sometimes people need to work things out on their own but if he knows he can turn to you when needed that will be a comfort to him. I hope it all works out for him.

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