Am I an idiot?

Because I feel like one! 

Trying to engage my partner in a conversation around how we text each other and it's turned into a big thing and now I feel stupid for even mentioning it. 

I feel totally invalidated , I feel like a stupid needy person. 

The issues as I could see are I'm generally the one to text first, the messages aren't often reciprocal in nature i.e I will ask about their day , will receive a response but no comments to my day, and I'm feeling like I'm forcing a conversation sometimes 

I can often hear nothing from them when they are working, I understand my partner can be busy but I don't see a massive problem with a simple text being sent. 

This has now turned into you dont want me to have any free time, you want constant communication with me or you will get upset about it , this is not what I was saying at all. 

I was simply trying to state it's nice to hear from my partner, I don't expect this on a constant basis, I can appreciate things can and do pop up but for me a simple text is a way to check in with each other 

I now feel like I'm being a needy controlling idiot 

We talk over the phone and face to face awesome as hell, I can really open up and communicate nearly all the time. 

My partner and I will often talk for extended periods over the phone after work but again it feels like I'm the one making the calls more than them. 

This is driving me insane, I'm not sure if it's an attachment thing or a autism thing but I notice trends like this. 

Won't see my partner for a couple of days so I'm limbo till then 

Has anyone came across this before? I love my partner to bits but this has really made me feel PoopPoopy and I don't know what to do going forward. 

Thanks all 

  • My partner's usual advice is "less said, soonest mended". I have tried this. Relationships are really hard for me. I've been married 20 years and it is always hard. I don't have any real advice. Except to give it time and hang in there if you can.