First appointment with GP to discuss Autism referral - any tips?

Hi All! 

I now have my first appointment through to speak to my GP about a referral for Autism (and ADHD) in late June. I'm both excited and anxious to get the process started. I've heard bad things about trying to get diagnosed in my area so I wondered if anyone had any tips for how they made sure that their GP took them seriously?

I'm an adult female which I've heard means that symptoms can present differently, the research isn't as grounded, and someone I have spoken to said they really had to fight to be diagnoses even though their difficulties were quite obvious (because they were female). 

I'm pulling together a research pack before my appointment, which admittedly is partly for my own use, I like to gather my information together to make sense of things  (instead of the deluge of open tabs and sporadic notes that I currently have on my phone). As part of this pack, I'm planning to identify what difficulties I am currently experiencing and how it relates to Autism (or ADHD), what difficulties I have experienced in my childhood (and how they relate again), any masking behaviours I have identified, the impact on the different areas of my life, and then the PDF files of several quizzes that I have done on this page ( I did a bunch of tests and nearly all of them showed I had Autism. 

Oh - I'm also going to identify what help I've received in the past as well (I've had a few forms of therapy) and am currently paying for private therapy. My therapist agrees that I have Autism and ADHD based on what I've told them (though they aren't qualified to diagnose me) so I'm hoping that will help too. 

The plan is that I can leave a copy of that pack with my GP so they are actually informed when writing the referral because I know I'll go to pieces the moment I'm actually in the appointment. I get emotional very easily and it's so difficult to explain what's going on when you're crying - especially when under the usual GP appointment time pressure. 

Does anyone else have any other ideas?

Many thanks and take care

  • I'm so glad you posted this! I'm booked in with my GP next week to talk about being referred for an autism assessment so have been worrying about what I need to pull together for the appointment.

    I'm also an adult woman, have had a variety of therapies in the past and am seeing a therapist privately, mostly because I wasn't willing to do another round of CBT which seems to be all that's offered around by me. My AQ score is high and my therapist has agreed it's very likely I have autism but I struggle to convey information well under pressure so I worry I won't be able to explain myself very well. The information pack sounds like a great idea.

  • Thanks, I'm a firm believer in "you work with what you've been given"!

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