I have suicide thoughts- Help, can anyone relate

Hi I am new here.

I'm Rosa, but I would rather be called Rose

Please forgive I have a hard time putting my thoughts and feelings into words. 

I have had I very hard childhood. Since my birth father died when I was 6 years old, I am now 22. But he died of a drug overdose, I was placed in foster care when I was 11. I have been having suicide thoughts since my birth father died. I have attempted before.

  • Hi Rose

    Hang in there, it does get better.  Sometimes it gets worse again.  Then it gets better again.....

    I have struggled for years, trying to find a reason and meaning for all of the hurt.  And a sense of purpose.  

    It led me to consider the more spiritual side of life.  Not in a religious way, rather in a questioning way..... 

    Slowly trust, faith, belief, hope have started to return.

    We are all capable of this, and it is true that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger!  

    Samaritans are there to talk to, freephone 116123.  There are 500 people manning the phones at any one time.  If you don't click with one, then put the phone down and dial again.  They won't mind.

    All the best to you, you can do this.  You've got your best moccasins on and you are walking your path.  Even when you are deep in the woods, the clearing is just ahead. xx

  • Hi Rose

    Hang in there, it does get better.  Sometimes it gets worse again.  Then it gets better again.....

    I have struggled for years, trying to find a reason and meaning for all of the hurt.  And a sense of purpose.  

    It led me to consider the more spiritual side of life.  Not in a religious way, rather in a questioning way..... 

    Slowly trust, faith, belief, hope have started to return.

    We are all capable of this, and it is true that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger!  

    Samaritans are there to talk to, freephone 116123.  There are 500 people manning the phones at any one time.  If you don't click with one, then put the phone down and dial again.  They won't mind.

    All the best to you, you can do this.  You've got your best moccasins on and you are walking your path.  Even when you are deep in the woods, the clearing is just ahead. xx

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