I have suicide thoughts- Help, can anyone relate

Hi I am new here.

I'm Rosa, but I would rather be called Rose

Please forgive I have a hard time putting my thoughts and feelings into words. 

I have had I very hard childhood. Since my birth father died when I was 6 years old, I am now 22. But he died of a drug overdose, I was placed in foster care when I was 11. I have been having suicide thoughts since my birth father died. I have attempted before.

  • Sending virtual hugs!

    I'm so sorry you suffer in this way. Mental health is just the worst. I suffer mentally, I've been suicidal on and off since 2016 - hardly surprising with the way of the world and life now, but I stick to the belief and thoughts that good things are on the horizon beyond those dark stormy clouds.

    And importantly you are a lovely beautiful human being - we all are - and you are worth fighting for.

    You deserve to be happy.

    We're here for you if you need us.

  • Sending virtual hugs!

    I'm so sorry you suffer in this way. Mental health is just the worst. I suffer mentally, I've been suicidal on and off since 2016 - hardly surprising with the way of the world and life now, but I stick to the belief and thoughts that good things are on the horizon beyond those dark stormy clouds.

    And importantly you are a lovely beautiful human being - we all are - and you are worth fighting for.

    You deserve to be happy.

    We're here for you if you need us.

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