Have I ever had depression?

I recently realised I am Autistic after I retired from a long and successful career. Over the years I have repeatedly been treated for depression. Now I am wondering if I ever had depression. If not is there any point in me taking antidepressants. I am aware that I must not suddenly stop antidepressants and I will take it slowly and carefully and doubt I will ever stop altogether. I am aware that being Autistic does not mean I cannot also gave depression.

Has anyone else been though this?

Are there any neurophysiologists out there who can advise?

  • I thought I had depression about 8 years ago but can now see it was actually part of a melt down. I was actually just exhausted by autism  rather than depressed. It is much easier for a GP to deal with depression that look at ASD. Your depression could be more linked to your masking making you tired and ASD maybe causing you to withcraw from doing things and loosing interest in stuff. Thats how I felt.

  • I thought I had depression about 8 years ago but can now see it was actually part of a melt down. I was actually just exhausted by autism  rather than depressed. It is much easier for a GP to deal with depression that look at ASD. Your depression could be more linked to your masking making you tired and ASD maybe causing you to withcraw from doing things and loosing interest in stuff. Thats how I felt.

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