Bus Passes

I have aspergers in Kent and I want to know if I am eligable for the free bus passes. The guide they give for who is eligable is unclear if ASD counts as  "a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which includes a significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning" or not.

  • That's yet another example of outrageous bypassing of conditions by the council then.  Obviously as the autistic population/awareness of autistic issues has grown they have tried to find loopholes to avoid assisting people.  Surely this is discrimination under the Equality Act 2010?

    I keep coming back to this stemming from central government, perhaps secret directives to avoid diagnosing people where they can and those that do have a diagnosis to re-word anything that would be classed as a support to avoid giving that support.  What use is the Autism Act, the Autism Strategy and Rewarding & Fulfilling Lives if there is corruption at the very heart of things.  It's all lip service.

    I note the NHS does not recognise Scotopic Sensitivity (Mears Irlen Syndrome) as a condition, I have it and sounds like you have it too.  The system is cruel.  I am lucky I can drive, but if I had to travel out of town I would have to use public transport as I couldn't do it driving.  If I didn't drive I would be housebound.  There need to be very specific laws about autism support.

  • That's yet another example of outrageous bypassing of conditions by the council then.  Obviously as the autistic population/awareness of autistic issues has grown they have tried to find loopholes to avoid assisting people.  Surely this is discrimination under the Equality Act 2010?

    I keep coming back to this stemming from central government, perhaps secret directives to avoid diagnosing people where they can and those that do have a diagnosis to re-word anything that would be classed as a support to avoid giving that support.  What use is the Autism Act, the Autism Strategy and Rewarding & Fulfilling Lives if there is corruption at the very heart of things.  It's all lip service.

    I note the NHS does not recognise Scotopic Sensitivity (Mears Irlen Syndrome) as a condition, I have it and sounds like you have it too.  The system is cruel.  I am lucky I can drive, but if I had to travel out of town I would have to use public transport as I couldn't do it driving.  If I didn't drive I would be housebound.  There need to be very specific laws about autism support.

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