Bus Passes

I have aspergers in Kent and I want to know if I am eligable for the free bus passes. The guide they give for who is eligable is unclear if ASD counts as  "a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which includes a significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning" or not.

  • Personally if you are able to drive/have a licence/can afford a car I don't know why anyone would want to get on a bus.  I have had some terrible experiences on buses, they let anyone on, including unstable (and dangerous) people, filthy, drunken tramps reeking of urine and aggressive people.  I feel very claustrophobic on buses if there are a lot of people as well and I get very stressed.  I even once had a maniac bus driver refuse to let me off the bus when I was on the way to collect my daughter from school after she broke her arm!!  I haven't got a bus for years and I don't intend to again if I can help it.  I feel safe in a car and don't have to worry about problems from other people alongside me.

  • Personally if you are able to drive/have a licence/can afford a car I don't know why anyone would want to get on a bus.  I have had some terrible experiences on buses, they let anyone on, including unstable (and dangerous) people, filthy, drunken tramps reeking of urine and aggressive people.  I feel very claustrophobic on buses if there are a lot of people as well and I get very stressed.  I even once had a maniac bus driver refuse to let me off the bus when I was on the way to collect my daughter from school after she broke her arm!!  I haven't got a bus for years and I don't intend to again if I can help it.  I feel safe in a car and don't have to worry about problems from other people alongside me.

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