Autistic fatigue?

Hello im new here, my name is Gareth, 41 years old, I was diagnosed in 2020 just before pandemic hit. Fun times. Grinning

Every few months I have been hitting a wall in terms of energy levels, I enjoy working out as part of my routine and when these energy dips happen it can take a few weeks for them to return to normal.

Ive just heard about autistic fatigue and was wondering if anybody else has experience of this in regards to their energy levels?


  • Sorry to hear this, I usually have real bad fatigue after a burnout, the past few weeks I have been very emotional, overloaded with sense, lots going on, and found myself sleeping more than I usually do. I had a huge burnout and meltdown on Monday, and yesterday I was knackered. I was asleep by 8pm and slept right through til 9am this morning. My partner asked me this morning and I tried to explain why I went to bed so early but it’s hard to explain what a burnout is like and the fatigue that comes with and follows. Just lots of rest, water and music helps me but is a quick fix, need to find something longer term. 

  • Sorry to hear this, I usually have real bad fatigue after a burnout, the past few weeks I have been very emotional, overloaded with sense, lots going on, and found myself sleeping more than I usually do. I had a huge burnout and meltdown on Monday, and yesterday I was knackered. I was asleep by 8pm and slept right through til 9am this morning. My partner asked me this morning and I tried to explain why I went to bed so early but it’s hard to explain what a burnout is like and the fatigue that comes with and follows. Just lots of rest, water and music helps me but is a quick fix, need to find something longer term. 

  • Hello 85361 - I am Number.  Good to meet you.  You are very welcome here and I hope to see you on the pages for a while......there are lots of "yous" in this place.....and yet none.

  • I usually sleep longer than twelve hours after exhaustion.

    I'm currently at my friend's house - staying overnight, tonight, as my electricity will be off tomorrow for essential maintenance - and his brother is sleeping in the spare room; possibly until the evening time. I had some Autistic Fatigue after driving him to Draperstown, and back, on a dodgy road with blind hairpins; a truck was behind me, too.