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Queer community vigil/solidarity space

A trigger warning that I'm about to describe (briefly, not in detail) a recent transphobic hate crime to give context ,for this post. If you don't want to read about this, please skip the following paragraph.

On Saturday afternoon at around 3:30, the body of a 16-year old trans girl, Brianna Ghey, was found. She was murdered by two cis-gender 15-year olds. Vigils have been happening across the country in Brianna's honour, and very sadly I was unable to attend the one held this evening in my city. 

I'm thinking about opening up a regular online vigil space in which the queer community can share our griefs, fears, hopes, support and solidarity. For all sorts of reasons vigils held outside our homes or in noisy, crowded spaces may not be accessible to everyone who wants to attend. And I also think that a space in which more people from a wider diversity of geographical locations could be meaningful. If you're a member of the queer community, I would really value hearing how you would feel about this.

More generally, if anyone needs solidarity as a queer person in this harsh world or more specifically thi space, perhaps this thread could become a written space to share that.

Take care, all Rainbow

  • i dont know what cis is but it sounds another layer of division so i dont subscribe to that idea, a human is a human, no need for divisions, unity fixed these issues anyway.

    no human should kill another human unless formally at war with the other humans nation and that human being a enemy combatant, its barbaric and uncivilised otherwise.

  • Cis just means not trans. It's not a division- at least, it shouldn't be. It's just a description.

  • i dunno it sounds like [removed by mod] speak for my group and your group, but in a way in which the label for the other group you speak of with bile as if its a dirty word. i just prefer everyone being human myself really, and as humans they are equal. no one should be grouped or segregated off based on any identity, as these are very small things to identify people as that dont make up their personality at all... i mean if [removed by mod] makes up their entire personality than they are in trouble and have a severe lack of character as that should only be like 0.0001% of who you are as a person, not the entirety of a identity. its a bit shallow when its the entire identity.

    Edited by mod

  • Since the N word was created as a slur and not a mathematical term it's very embarrasssing that you would compare your paltry issue as on the same level as black opresssion.

    but it wasnt though... it is a very old word that came from rome. we live in the age of information and to remain ignorant of that is your choice... look at the origins of the word... you will find it is romes word for "black"

    You're leaning on 1000+ yr old irrelevance which I already explained why it was irrelevant.
    You are just overlooking the uses of the terms in the last 300-50 years simply because they are inconvenient to your argument. Anyway like I said I'm done, I have more difficult work to do than refute your problematic misinformation.

  • Since the N word was created as a slur and not a mathematical term it's very embarrasssing that you would compare your paltry issue as on the same level as black opresssion.

    but it wasnt though... it is a very old word that came from rome. we live in the age of information and to remain ignorant of that is your choice... look at the origins of the word... you will find it is romes word for "black"

    and why bring maths into this? theres nothing about maths in any of this so you make no sense... if you see maths and think theres math in it then congratulations your probably one of the rich 0.1% ancestors and were directly responsible for all histories evils....

  • thats the same as white people calling black people the n word and other horrid words when they didnt agree with those words.


    Since the N word was created as a slur and not a mathematical term it's very embarrasssing that you would compare your paltry issue as on the same level as black opresssion.

    You know what I'm done with you. In the age of information to remain ignorant is a choice you have made.

  • Yes a rich elite who are predominantly white and made their money on hedgefunds of inherited wealth literally off the backs of colonial oppression.

    which was a tiny minority, the top 0.1% rich elite.... again but you like minorities and minorities are good? so that goes against everything you know...

    also isnt judging all white people as bad for the actions of the tiny 0.01% rich elite minority the same as judging all of a certain other people as terrorists just for the actions of the small minority that did bombings? 

  • i dunno, its all a social construct at the end of the day and i dont do social stuff as i imagine most of us here dont. its all a modern day social trend and not many of us get into social trends. i suppose if there are some zoomer autistics here it might be all the craze for them, although as autistic they often wont fit in with trends anyway so i dont really get it.

    i see the world by action, not by word, this wording and social trending is all judging and seeing the world by society and social things and i cant see it that way... i see it by action.... to me i see you lot saying to people "right, you are this label and that label, and it means your a nasty person and your evil because of your skin colour and also because of your gender and you should be bad and you had it all good" thats how i see it, just people judging others by social words and groupings without any idea for the persons experiences actions or life. im saddened to see autistic people seeing the world through society and made up social constructs rather than seeing it literally by actions and deeds of individuals and their own life and experience.

  • You do not know your history.

    the ones that had power was the rich elite, the 1% which is probably more like 0.001% .... oh and guess what that is? ... 1% is a minority, so we have had minority rule that has done all this lol but yet your system says minority is the good guys? and listen to the media as everything the media says is true? lol

    Yes a rich elite who are predominantly white and made their money on hedgefunds of inherited wealth literally off the backs of colonial oppression.

    the working class of our own country, yes white people, were treated just like slaves too, but you wont know that because in this day and age everyone has good lives in comparison, what you think every white person had a victorian manor and had iphones and perfect life? ... they wasnt, they was house slaves to the elite land owners... the ones not lucky to be house slaves were forced down mine shafts and had high mortality rate and if they survived they had life long medical conditions no one cared about. 

    When? And don't drag 1000 yr old irrelevance into it or indentured servitude of the Irish.
    It is not the same thing. Black people were treated literally like property, they didn't even have rights to their own children.

    I'm sure you are very happy with the mess you've made of this thread.

  • brand millions of people as "cis" against their consent when the people they apply it to would never agree to that word?

    I call you human without your consent too, never recall actually asking you if it was okay to call you human either. You're just acting out because for a split second you feel that extra layer of thering we feel literally every second of ourlives and you don't like it.
    "I'm not cis I'm normal." Is what you are saying equates to. And comming from another autistic person I find it deeply saddening you don't see what you are doing wrong with that.

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  • No because racism agains black people already exists, it doesn't work the other way around because racism is bigotry + power to create a system of oppresion which white people will never experience in a white majority country.

    really? ... you know nothing about history and are parroting what divisionist hate filled people have spread in order to create societal division.

    the working class of our own country, yes white people, were treated just like slaves too, but you wont know that because in this day and age everyone has good lives in comparison, what you think every white person had a victorian manor and had iphones and perfect life? ... they wasnt, they was house slaves to the elite land owners... the ones not lucky to be house slaves were forced down mine shafts and had high mortality rate and if they survived they had life long medical conditions no one cared about. 

    the ones that had power was the rich elite, the 1% which is probably more like 0.001% .... oh and guess what that is? ... 1% is a minority, so we have had minority rule that has done all this lol but yet your system says minority is the good guys? and listen to the media as everything the media says is true? lol

    furthurmore you should try get a job before you comment... you will find you cant get a job as a white person because of positive discrimination that puts you at the back of the que on a job because your white and the government says white is privileged so you dont need a job and can be held back... that is institutional oppression but you dont know that because your probably on pip! 

  • Reminder rule 5 - Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.β€― 

  • yet what if they directly accuse you and get hostile to you and claim it was you just because your white

    I would not be bothered, because nobody should take it seriously when you cannot be personally responsible for the act of another simply by sharing a demographic, each person is responsible for their own behaviour and I need not respond to any argument they make once I point that out.You weren't even named in that, it literally wasn't about you personally, but now it is because you outed yourself as someone transphobic because you are more interested in being the group who has more social power to complain about a word, than showing respect for a transgender person has literally been murdered.

    . that would be racism born from this very thing, it creates the thing it claims to be against no?

    No because racism agains black people already exists, it doesn't work the other way around because racism is bigotry + power to create a system of oppresion which white people will never experience in a white majority country.

    Now you are deliberately and obtusely derailing a space that was created for a vulnerable minority within a vulnerable minority, you are being disrespectful to all the peaceful members here who came to mourn the death of one of own. You cannot complain when you make yourself as welcome as a fart at a funeral and then get politely told so. Please stop antagonisng people here and leave, you are not excluded when you can make your own thread freely on this forum.

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  • i dunno, its all a social construct at the end of the day and i dont do social stuff as i imagine most of us here dont. its all a modern day social trend and not many of us get into social trends. i suppose if there are some zoomer autistics here it might be all the craze for them, although as autistic they often wont fit in with trends anyway so i dont really get it.

    i see the world by action, not by word, this wording and social trending is all judging and seeing the world by society and social things and i cant see it that way... i see it by action.... to me i see you lot saying to people "right, you are this label and that label, and it means your a nasty person and your evil because of your skin colour and also because of your gender and you should be bad and you had it all good" thats how i see it, just people judging others by social words and groupings without any idea for the persons experiences actions or life. im saddened to see autistic people seeing the world through society and made up social constructs rather than seeing it literally by actions and deeds of individuals and their own life and experience.

  • brand millions of people as "cis" against their consent when the people they apply it to would never agree to that word?

    I call you human without your consent too, never recall actually asking you if it was okay to call you human either. You're just acting out because for a split second you feel that extra layer of thering we feel literally every second of ourlives and you don't like it.
    "I'm not cis I'm normal." Is what you are saying equates to. And comming from another autistic person I find it deeply saddening you don't see what you are doing wrong with that.

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  • Reminder rule 5 - Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.β€―