

So I did another shift at the Nursery but I'm super tired, that's partially from my health but also the anxiety I experience.

The Nursery are being super flexible and I can go in when I feel I'm able to, I guess that's the perks of being a part time volunteer. But I don't see it lasting which is super disappointing.

But if I can't work I don't know what I'll do all day. I don't write anymore, but I don't want to be watching TV series and movies all day.

I'm hoping my working will go well and I'll get over the tiredness and anxiety. It's still early days so maybe I'm just overthinking it?

  • What's making you so tired Luna, what illnesses have you got.

    I'm tired all the time, i keep falling asleep on the couch, then i'll wake up freezing cold 'cos i need a wee, and my balance is so bad i've fallen before i can get to the loo. Probably lucky that i have a toilet downstairs, I've got hypothyroidism   !!! Never heard of it i'd been going to the hospital 'cos of kidney problems, i'm CKD3b. Then on one visit had to see a different doctor and he started talking about this. The nurse said your thyroids control almost every organ in your body, from head to toe. They've just told me i'm partially sighted, and i had to go and see a man from the RNIB.  I had a hospital appointment yesterday in the eye clinic. and it wasn't until i turned my computer on this morning that i realised. I get days and dates mixed up. I've had to phone the hospital to say, Sorry. The woman said she would try to sort something.

  • Thanks, I'm going to look into reading. Good shout on colouring as well though, defos need to do more of that.

    Thanks so much :) 

  • Yes I have and I think it's probs my best option actually.

    I like fiction, drama, crime, all books like those.


  • Thanks, Simon :)

    Defos true, shouldn't worry or think too hard about this. I need to keep busy I think.

    I look forward to your lessons lol :p 


  • Your bravev working with kids I couldn't do that. I have one little brother and he takes all my energy and zest.. 

    Reading is something you can do during the day. It requires little energy and is good for the brain. Colouring is good to it helps anxiety as well.

  • Have you considered book reading? I can easily 'loose' 10 hours doing it. If you tell me what kind of literature you like I might suggest something if there is an overlap with what I read.

    Kids will drain everyone of all energy they poses.

  • You did *fantastically* well to complete the whole shift. I hope you're very proud of yourself, because you really should be. Slight smile I certainly am. As for the future, we cannot know it, so maybe it's best not to worry?

    PS If you ever need some lessons in how to avoid overthinking, I will send you a forty-thousand-page introduction to the 93 books I've written on the subject.