Famous autistic people - Lionel Messi

I have read in several different places that Lionel Messi is autistic, it is said he may have been diagnosed as a child in Argentina before he moved to Spain at 13,  and reading books and articles about him and seeing how he talks in interviews and how he is on the pitch a lot of his personality and behaviour would fit with an autistic person. I found it really comforting and inspirational when he won the World Cup yesterday. It felt like NT people always reject us and look down on us and make us feel we are not as good as them and yet an autistic person is the absolute best in the world at something. It made me almost cry with happiness, like a victory for autistic people. 

I believe Albert Einstein may have been autistic too. I teach other autistic kids and when they put themselves down and see their autism as something that makes us inferior, I say to them the most intelligent man in history and the greatest footballer in history are both autistic.

  • I suspect Nigella Lawson now lol, Her mannerisms, her look, how she speaks and her expressions, which never seem appropriate for what she’s saying. 
    I remember seeing an interview with her once on TV and she was very awkward, was in no way like she appears in her TV shows, and seemed very robotic. Having just searched….I see that her mum thought she was autistic as a child……

  • I think that may well be the reason. Even the few interviews you see with him he seems very uncomfortable and doesnt look like he wants to be there. I was reading his biography tonight and even in his childhood there were so many things that sounded similar to autistic traits

    When he first started playing for Argentina he couldn't even talk to anyone 

    I agree it would be great if he came out and said it, would be such an encouragement to other autistic people but I doubt he would as he is an intensley private person

  • It is. We all know really, that wimmin should be meek and compliant, and men ready to die for them at the drop of a hat! 

    I'm not sure women got the best of the new deal, because there are so many dangerous situations I get to duck out of now, AND my O/H pays the billls..

    The housework, is a doddle now compared to what people went through in the forties, plus being a man spiders don't cause me any more problem than is needed to move them safely aside and clean around them, and double plus, I can both troubleshoot and clean the appliances whenever neccesary! And of course, when you've been taught how to clean by the Army, "by the numbers", it becomes even easier.

    Which is good, 'cos I have a load of other man stuff to do involving motorbikes and electronics, plus all that talking to my mates on the phone as well.

    I think in reality having lived both sides of the life, breadwinner and househusband, I'm equally unhappy paying either role, I just wish the women would stop complaining...

    *Nomex suit ON, Shields up*

  • I wonder how many achieved BECAUSE they were autistic.  My mother did say for my assessment that my biggest strength was my determination.  Once I've made up my mind I am doing something I AM doing it and nothing and nobody is telling me "no".  Certainly not a man with other ideas about what a woman should do!  We can be stubborn little wotsits, but that's not always a bad thing, huh?

  • I wonder if this might be the reason we don't see all that many interviews with him? Considering that Lionel is one of the world's most famous people, and that this is an age when publicity is deemed highly important, that 'silence' is unusual. Perhaps it's his own choice or perhaps journalists know of his autism and are being respectful of his right to personal privacy?

    While I respect anyone's claim on their own private life, if Lionel *is* autistic then it would be great for so many people if he spoke openly about it.

    • Matt Haig - author (newly discovered)
    • Holly Smale - author
    • Tim Burton
    • Tylan Grant 
    • Chris Rock
    • Hannah Gadsby 
    • Wentworth Miller
    • Elon Musk
    • Guy Martin
    • Chris Packham
    • Fern Brady
    • Melanie Sykes
    • Marylin Manson (he suspects)
    • Robbie Williams (he suspects)
    • Erm...ill keep thinking
  • About 5 years ago, I started reading about what the United States have done to Latin America and it certainly opened my eyes to a few things. America has done a lot of good in the world but they have also done some shocking things that we in the West simply do not know about.

    If you get time research Guatemala in the 1950s and the actions of the United Fruit company. Also the CIA funded coup that deposed socialist leader Salvador Allende in Chile in 1973. He was executed in his presidential palace by gunmen, minutes after giving a last address to his people over the radio which is one of the most moving speeches I have ever heard. His biggest crime? Trying to give the natural resources of Chile to his own people rather than multinational American companies. And the date of the coup and his execution? September 11th. I always feel like there is something significant in that 

  • I love Hitchcock films, thats really interesting to know

    Exactly, if just NT people existed then they would have lost out on an awful lot!

  • They knew what life under Marxism was like. 

  • We mess with these people at our peril. They still seem to have the ethics/cultural system that we left behind.

    *edit* And they are still kind to animals, as can be clearly seen in their early "Messi the puma"s videos and many others I've seen on the internet. As a cat lover I wince at a lot of our "Cat video's" where people are clearly getting amusement from their cat's extreme discomfort in some cases. We talk a good game when it comes to being a decent society, but my internet and reality watching eyes keep telling me a different story. 

  • Because the United States controls the narrative.

    They claim to 'Oppose Imperial Outreach', but created a Global empire; by Proxy. The Democrats view themselves as Invictus. While the Republicans are just the Least Worst Option. Libertarians are too niche to make an impact; even though they're spot on, philosophically.

    They created the perpetual 'Boom and Bust' bubble; through the Federal Reserve. Then they cry foul while we have Double-Digit Inflation. They made the bed; let them lie on it.

    Russia knows what Mericans want, so they provide what Mericans want within Russia. It's the Triple Bluff.

  • *Dad joke removed, I've already posted too much in this thread..

  • You are very welcome.

    Lists like this make me very sad, especially when they are historic as women's history is so different from that of men.

    Women were variously seen as chattels, owned by their husbands, unable to even own their children and property and weren't able to vote until the 20th Century.

    Those who managed to reach their intellectual potential did so against huge odds (if they were lucky enough to be educated).

  • We are.

    I kid you not, I'm involved in some really cutting edge science with a few other "people like me" and we can do nuclear fusion stuff on the kitchen table (and not describe it very well) that people who can describe things very well, simply cannot comprehend or explain. It's hard to tell exactly what we are doing, as we lack the billion dollar facilities that everyone else seems to need to do a very similar thing indeed. OR even a few those thousand quid to throw at getting some mass spectrometry tests done, and buying some more deuterium tubes and big mos fets. 

    Ten years, 200,000 quid in parts and labour, the guy who invented the device is about to croak it, so this week WE GO PUBLIC, (or at least share it widely with other groups who do this sort of thing, less sucessfully than we do.).

  • A young Russian couple on Youtube rescued a Puma from dire circumstances and live with him in their flat.

    They named him "Messi" after that particular footballer. They have a large following. 

    Even factoring in "normie" levels of dishonesty and misrepresenation, you can clearly see that they have a really nice attitude to life. 

    I'll be honest, my studies of Russian people over the years, which started due to owning Russian cameras and side car motorcycles, and swiftly extended via youtube to seeing all sorts of heroism and stupidity in equal measure from these people, (much like my own, really, I guess) makes me want them very much as friends rather than anemonies. At an engineering level they really do seem to think more like us than any of the other developed nations, and what they managed to do with their aeroplanes when a labour government sent them the latest RR jet engines in the fifties, was not only awesome, but if they were our friends diplomatically speaking, we could bill em for the unpaid licences to manufacture, and being an essentially honourable people, they probably have paid the bill!