Randomly Saying Things Out Loud

Sometimes, and for no particular reason, I say something out loud. I’m not sure if this is some sort of manifestation of Tourette’s, it isn’t usually anything obscene, I sometimes surprise myself and am left wondering why I said it as it seems to have  no relevance to anything. I also count under my breath as I’m walking, sometimes people hear me mumbling and I’m immediately embarrassed. I’ve always done this, but only recently come to the conclusion that it might be an autistic thing…anybody else do this weird stuff?

  • I do this but I can suppress it if necessary, which I'm not sure is possible with tourettes? Although it's tiring not to be able to talk to myself. Feel like I can't think properly.

  • I do impressions, of my Cleaner and the things she told me about my Nan. 

  • As a kid I spent a fair bit of time alone, and found that I'd talk to myself a lot until I was told not to. (because it sounds mad) then I kept it on the down low...

    However, as I found out during my time as a pilot of small aeroplanes, when I'm properly in trouble and do not know what to do, I seem to have a (rather direct) alternate and more masterful personality which emerges and verbally instructs me what to do. What I believe some people call an "Alter". 

    I found myself lost one day, (navigation was always not my string suit) in a tiny open cockpit aeroplane and whist I was trying to sort myself out a storm started to form quickly, which would of course force me to fly away form it and being lost already, would force me to get even more lost whilst running out of fuel.

    I did not know what to do.

    Then suddenly my own voice started "working the problem" and giving me my options. (which were, "put the f***ng onto the ground and sort it all out later". Which is what I did. I looked for somewhere suitable and dropped it nicely onto a convenient and long strip of grass next to a farm.

    Looking back afterwards I realised that was not the first time that had happened. If I get scared enough, I do suddenly seem to have this second version of me appear which takes control, sorts things out whilst reassuring "me", and then vanishes as quickly as it appeared. Long may it continue!  

    I also get breakthroughs occasionally when I am thinking really hard using internal dialog and I can find myself articulating it, and my long suffering O/H asks me "what did you say" and I have to tell her "sorry, I was "thinking out loud". But that seems pretty normal stuff to me..

  • Lol! I can see how that might be a little depressing for some people Rofl

  • Haha! I can see how someone might find that disconcerting!

  • That sounds familiar Peter, I do the singing thing to and I’m also a habitual whistler..and yes, when I’m stressed I also speak my thoughts out loud..

  • People will find me singing or humming and ask me to stop and I won't have realised I was dong it. And then 10 minuets later I'll be doing it again with out realising it.

    You've just brought back a memory.

    I was in a new job + trying to appear normal + fit in, probably unsuccessfully.

    I was humming and someone asked me to stop.  I asked 'why' + she said because what I was humming was depressing.

    I asked 'why' and she said because it was the 'Funeral March' (Chopin).

    Her discomfort was understandable Blush

    I hadn't realised though that that was what I was humming but I still do as I find it quite calming (in a sombre sort of way) ..

  • I sometimes verbalise my inner monolog without realising. People will sometimes over hear it and get offended / upset. It's not super common but it happens more when I'm stressed or hyper also more 'emotionally intense' aspects of my inner monolog that tend to slip out. It doesn't sound like a big deal, I'm sure more than a few people have come out of their bosses office muttering 'I'm gona kill him.' The problem is, unlike coming out of your bosses office, i'm not always aware I'm doing it and who might be standing close to me at the time.

    I sing to. People will find me singing or humming and ask me to stop and I won't have realised I was dong it. And then 10 minuets later I'll be doing it again with out realising it.

  • I occasionally do, but mostly when I am going through what I need to do. It's the noises I make when things are stressful that are worse, then I have to try to turn it into a cough. 

    However I often think people are talking to themselves when they are on the phone. I guess we could wear earbuds and pretend we are on the phone.

  • I talk to myself. Just saying. A lot.. especially when making plans.. you know what I talk to myself a lot, but I do not have outbursts 

  • I do this. It started when I was still a kid I would suddenly start talking to myself as if I was another person listening in. I think it's where my head gets so cluttered with thoughts I need to air everything out to make sense of it. It started then and I still do it now sometimes in public usually if I'm shopping and trying to work out what to buy. I can't process thoughts oddly so I need to speak out what I'm thinking. It works for me.

  • I silently count steps crossing the road or going passed buildings etc. I like them to be odd, especially divisible by 3 and have even swerved going across roads to get the right number