Autism + ADHD combined female presentation- What's your lived experience?


I'm currently being assessed for Autism (I'm female and in my late 40's) and it's been suggested that I may also reach the threshold for ADHD. 

My understanding of the combined presentation of autism plus ADHD is limited at this stage.

I would love to hear from females who have this combined type, their strengths, challenges and things that they have discovered to them help manage their difficulties. 

Many thanks,


  • I meet some of the (self assessment) criteria for ADHD but have only recently been diagnosed with Autism and am a bit tired from that process (and, you know, general life is tiring too) so don't know if I will bother looking into ADHD!! (as I guess for me the traits of that don't get in the way of my life that much, as opposed to Autism where I find unplanned socialising/unknow events etc hard).

    I am lucky to have a very supportive partner who helps keep me organised with things like money (I can do the basic stuff, but future planning and saving and looking at interest rates and stuff like that really makes my brain switch off - annoying as I am actually really good at maths, but as soon as it is translated to money it just sounds so dull and I lose all motivation and ability to listen or remember). Still working on other stuff that helps tbh, just learning what I need to do to make things work for me!

  • I meet some of the (self assessment) criteria for ADHD but have only recently been diagnosed with Autism and am a bit tired from that process (and, you know, general life is tiring too) so don't know if I will bother looking into ADHD!! (as I guess for me the traits of that don't get in the way of my life that much, as opposed to Autism where I find unplanned socialising/unknow events etc hard).

    I am lucky to have a very supportive partner who helps keep me organised with things like money (I can do the basic stuff, but future planning and saving and looking at interest rates and stuff like that really makes my brain switch off - annoying as I am actually really good at maths, but as soon as it is translated to money it just sounds so dull and I lose all motivation and ability to listen or remember). Still working on other stuff that helps tbh, just learning what I need to do to make things work for me!

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