Rejected by PIP

Got rejected by PIP Friday. Got 0 on everhthing even though I’m autistic and some days can’t even get out of bed or leave the house without full on meltdowns and panic attacks. Didn’t get a single point
Also he said cos I’m well enough to sit by the river and feed the ducks im well enough to work full time. He also said that the fact I could hold a coherent phone convo with the assessor proves there is nothing wrong with me mentally. Worst of all he said I “do not have severe stress travelling to work” even though i told the assessor I once tried to jump out of a moving car rather than go to work due to my anxiety. If that doesn’t count as severe stress I don’t know what does!

I dont know where to turn or what to do for help
  • Yes, that was something I really struggled with.  But to be honest, Citizens Advice were outstanding and I didn't do much other than tell them information.  In the beginning when I told them I am autistic they found a specialist in their team, her son is autistic. Because of this, she knew what kind of questions to ask me and in what format while she was writing my report.

    She also fully handled the appeal and came to the tribunal. 

    I hope everything works out for you.  If I really said what I thought about the benefit/disability system in the UK I would probably be banned as fast as I made my account!

  • I hope it goes well for you Billy  - good luck 

  • I’m sorry to hear this, though I did somewhat expect it. Not because you don’t need it, but because the person doing the e assessment usually knows nothing about autism, and isn’t going to listen anyway! They know to give you a big fat zero on your first try, it’s disgraceful.

    My daughter was given zero point too a few months back. She’s trying again with the help of CAB. I myself dare not even bother. 

  • A few years ago there was a lot of bad publicity about ATOS, the company they contract to do the PIP assesments. I found out through researching that the company who does them now is the same company, they just changed their name

    I totally agree with you, its like if you have an invisible disability they dont want to know

    On my report they put that I have no cognitive or sensory difficulties. What a thing to say about an autistic person! Most of the report is just total lies, some of them very black and white obvious lies

  • Thank you Andrew. I called them today and have an appointment next week so we will see what happen,

    Im glad you got yours in the end. Im in a similar boat to you. I honestly dont know if my mental health could go through tribunals etc

  • I actually stated on my PIP application that I use a hearing aide in my right ear and they denied it, twice. Was only on the tribunal it was granted.

  • They make up reasons not to give you anything. I have it from some of the professionals that if you say you need a material aide, say a stair lift they kind of can't deny that, but if the need is 'invisible' it's practically impossible to get.

    This is what happens when govt contracts private companies to do the work. We pay them mega bucks to give people nothing. Appeal, though. Apparently, 2/3rds are successful. They are putting people with genuine need through the torture mill for nothing...but putting public money in the company's coffers that they could have spent supporting people who needed it in the first place.

  • I am sorry to hear you are struggling with PIP.  Unfortunately, many autistic people struggle with the PIP process and I can sympathise with you, as I experienced the exact same thing. I was fully rejected with 0 points 3 years ago and gave up because my mental health was so low I couldn't bare to appeal their decision.

    In October 2021 I contacted Citizen's Advice who were an absolute Godsend, were incredibly welcoming, helpful and were determined to ensure I got what I was entitled to.  They filled in all of my forms for me.  I still received 0 points, my appeal was scored 0 also.  My case then went to a tribunal where Citizens Advice were also present with me (this was done via phone).  I was then awarded PIP, in both sections.

    I would strongly advise finding your local Citizens Advice and giving them a call. 

  • As you can tell by my reply I've kinda opted out from government, I'm content if it can just leave me alone and no-one drags me off (or tries to, I have very definite plans for that eventuality) to a vaxx camp like they was talk about just before last Christmas... 

    Nevertheless. Wen I really NEEDED to claim back in the nineteen eighties I found it was like getting blood out of a stone. They'd "lose my paperwork" or remember things I had not said, but mostly simply sit on my claim and hope I  would give up as I did in the past.. 

    1. I found two tactics brought and end to the messing about. 1. Every day I'd show up take my ticket and queue for my opoortunity to ask where my paperwork currently was. Every day.

    2. I'd record using a camera any form I completed before submitting it, to make filling it in again when they lost it less of an embuggerance, and I took to recording any conversations I had for verification purposes. They tried at first to tell em I could not, but as I sweetly said. "Sometimes it seems what I thought I said in these interviews was not what I remembered saying, so I NEED a recording to be made"..

  • Good luck, let us know how you get on 

  • Thanks for all the helpful replies. My wife called Citizens Advice today and asked about an appeal and getting a welfare rights officer. I have an appointment there next week 

  • Im signed off work atm but they are still forcing me to go into the job centre every week

  • thats so true. I feel like the whole system is designed to be so unbearable and stressful so as to force you back to work even if you arent well enough rather than go through it 

    if that makes sense 

  • I signed off work; too.

  • Go to Citizens Advice and any advocacy groups in your area. My friend was denied PIP right up until it was being considered for tribunal and then suddenly it was fine and she was absolutely eligible. I would agree with the others that there is at least an element of them wanting to refuse people whether they fit or not. Appeal and appeal and get support from everyone you can because they will probably give in eventually.

  • The problem is (well - there are LOTS of problems of course!) - ONE of the problems is that the stress of an appeal etc can really take a toll on your mental health. So I would take good advice before you  start on an appeal if you feel you might struggle to cope with going to war with the system. It’s designed to put people off of course. It’s criminal in my view. 
    So try to do your research, get lots of advice and take care of yourself. I’m sorry - the system is cruel and unfair. 

  • Your GP. They can't get you on PIP but they can sign you off work. The job centre will find it very hard to argue with a GP who says you are not fit for work.

  • I too scored 0 points a few years ago, I went for a mandatory reconsideration with the help of a social worker, got a few points but not enough. I’ve just applied again so hoping I get it this time but it’s so hard to get. Do not give up, keep going, keep your faith and you will get there. All the best. 

  • I still remember my PIP application and the zero points.

    I got all the help, a money advice service expert filled mine out and I had letters from my last employer, firing me because I was considered unemployable due to my behaviour and body language, typical autistic.

    I still got zero points.

  • This link I posted on another discussion gives a really good summary of the number of points available in each section