
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 9 years ago, after a long time of leg pain, whole body pain and exhaustion.  I have read that fibro is often experienced by those on the spectrum as it is a heightened sensitivity to pain. Has anyone else here experienced the symptoms or been diagnosed? I think I manage my fibro symptoms quite well, but some days I feel like I have been hit by a truck. How much of this is also as a result of burnout, I'm not sure. 

  • Not a medical professional, It may be worth trying taking these combination of supplements especially if your experience this alongside migraine. 

    B12, Riboflavin, Vitamin D and omega 3. A study that was recently carried out that these four supplement taken regularly can help reduce symptoms. personally i suffer from really bad migraine and these have helped reduce the intensity of the migraine. I also started taken them a 3 months ago and i am now able to attend the gym, the pain still their but the fatigue is becoming manageable 

  • i take multivitamins every day containing 100%  RDA of  B12 B6, magnesium, iron, vitamin D etc. Maybe they have been helping.  

  • i take multivitamins every day containing 100%  RDA of  B12 B6, magnesium, iron, vitamin D etc. Maybe they have been helping.  

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