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What is everyones Myers-Briggs personality type?


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Free Personality Test | 16Personalities

My personality type is one of the rarest, however I think it will be common in Autistic people!

  • Im an ENFJ. Ive never met or heard of another autistic ENFJ before. Ive met a couple autistic INFPs. MBTI is my special interest, I know a lot about it. Since 16Personalities isn't an official test to figure out your type, and MBTI is as much about functions as i vs e, n vs s, etc., it's really easy to mistype. Ive even gotten INTJ before on an unofficial online test.

  • This is very interesting! I just got INTJ on the linked test, but when I did an official one 20 years ago, I got ENFP, and I thought that they were not supposed to change.

    What was interesting about that was the chap who administered the test was very perplexed because I was 51% E and 49% I.  He'd never seen results so close before.  Now I think that it's because I'm autistic.  That with the right people who enjoy my weirdness and get excited about the same things as me, I have much more energy and a positive experience.  But with "normal" people who follow all of society's ways, I find it draining.

  • Mine changed through various stages of my trauma recovery in the last decade. So I've just come to the conclusion they are just generalised and don't really fit everyone, like horoscopes and blood type "personalities".
    Because if I picked my horoscope based on my actual personality, depending on if it's a positive or a negative mood day I'd be either a Capricorn or a Leo, and both of those are the wrong months.

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