Is Autism 'a man's world'?

Please know that I'm not writing this to be deliberately inflammatory or provocative, or to have a go at anyone here, but I just feel so isolated as an Autistic woman. Most other Autistic people I've engaged with are men, and seem to have quite a different presentation and outlook on life to me. They are often very blunt, whereas I'm not. When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation. It's more than that, though, to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to explain in logical terms...I just don't feel I fit in in the Autism world or the neurotypical world, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm female. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • Find your passion, Caelus. Something you love doing. And make that your destination. Maybe martial arts? Fitness? Then work out a career path (or volunteer path) for that journey.

  • the early medieval age was the issue with that i think as its early medieval that had a male heirs only rule. late medieval allowed for female rulers.

    but before any of that, before rome came female rulers were pretty much the norm. brigantia had famous female rulers, then ofcourse the icenis boudicca.... perhaps rome was the problem? rome perhaps pushed more of a male rule which then lasted after rome to the early medieval era and only got ironed out late medieval era.

  • i learn more myself right now tbh doing whatever i do online gets me more knowledge than college or high school could ever could instill....although its probably a even tie with primary school as that was pretty good quality and they knew how to teach.

    but yeah my knowledge is seen as worthless because it doesnt have a bureaucratic paper grade, despite being better knowledge than that of college can pass on to their bureaucratic paper signing "students"

  • All I will say is, look back at history. Since the dawn of humanity, most societies have been led by men. Queen Victoria was one queen out of a minority of women leaders.

  • but perhaps sometimes you need a monster to fight a even greater monster. pritti is the only politician i know of who has so openly spoken against critical race theory and branded it a racist work that needs to be banned and stopped being taught as a positive thing in schools. she could fix the mess certain radicals have made.... while no one else is brave enough to do so. so perhaps we need a monster to face these things and change them, for no one else is brave enough to stand against the other stuff like patel is.... i bet the only reason she could speak against it and get this far is because shes both a indian and a woman, which grants her some protection against the racists of the critical race theory. being both woman and so called minority makes her the only one who can legit fight against that stuff. no one else can... .a white male cannot because that stuff preaches hate against the white male as their intended target for the future holdomor they have planned.

  • She might, very well,  be our Trump; for the reasons Caleus laid out.

  • but you dont learn anything at all

    Why did you do it if you weren't learning anything?      You seem to be complacent in your own life and not taking charge of it - you only get one go at life.  Smiley

  • Due to masking, the statistics of autism being primarily a male thing are skewed.  Women are better at hiding their autistic traits, and this is something that is only now being researched.  I actually did my final project for social sciences in college on masking in autistic females.  It's a very interesting topic.  

  • yeah i went to college one time but i dont consider it learning.... you just signed papers to say the tutor went through that section, and its just beaurocratic to sign papers to get your grade but you dont learn anything at all lol the education system is crap, it doesnt teach, its just beaurocracy. here sign these papers and we will give you a paper that you can use to brag and claim your smart, when you havent learned anything at all to get that paper and your no smarter than you was before you signed for that qualification. the entire system is a joke and no wonder society is going down hill and theres clueless people everywhere in places they shouldnt be.

  • Urghh... Pritti Patel? No way. She's not human. She's a monster.

  • Yeah, but you're in your thirties now, Caelus. You've had years and years to put things right or restart your education. And you still have time to start. There are thousands of opportunities out in the world if you have a passion. You can't keep looking back on your secondary school experience and complaining.

  • HS2 is not a necessary needed peice of  infrastructure

    The idea is that it frees up the other tracks to separate the high-speed non-stop stuff from the slower stuff like local trains and freight to be able to tighten up the timetables - no need to leave huge holes for an express to burn up the tracks and clearing all the slower stuff out of its way.

    The *should* benefit all the commuters and make space for more train density.

  • I feel sorry for you - you're clearly very bright and it's a shame you had opportunities taken from you.

    The only way to get on in places like that is to get out.   

    It's annoying when parents don't help their children - mine were useless - I was just left to get on with it - I went to school with Vinnie Jones.    Some lovely kids there.  Smiley

  • they pulled me down too lol the little shits! 
    i did very well in primary school and was very smart and gifted, i got high sats scores and then high school comes and the chavs dragged me down to the bottom and made school unbearable and impossible to learn there.

  • no one could control public school classes full of unruly chavs

    And that's exactly why they stay at the bottom - like a bucket of crabs pulling each other down.

  • Nope - not true.    The whole point of places like Eton  (and Sandhurst) is to know people - to make connections with people who may be leaders of other countries some day -  know your enemy - and who is trustworthy and who is to be wary of.  And to learn a common set of values to be able to deal in business.    There's nothing stopping poor people joining in - ALL private schools offer grants and bursaries for the able students without the money.    But by being 'the right stuff' means you'll get tarred with the same 'posh boy' labels.    There's literally no pleasing the working class.

    Local authorities do not under-fund schools - the problem is how the money is spent.    I was interviewed to be a school business manager for a large secondary school - I went to two interviews / tours - the waste is unbelievable and built-in to such an extent that a radical shake-up is required - but the unions make that impossible.    Same with the NHS - try doing any improvement projects - no chance.  

  • yeah public schools are kinda crap....

    you know in my school we had this maths teacher who didnt teach us anything at all... he just read his own book and told the class if another teacher comes in pretend your doing some work...

    we did have a teacher from london once who tried to teach, he was very posh and strict, but our class was full of bad people and they all tossed thick text books at him, no one could control public school classes full of unruly chavs.. not even a posh london science teacher lol

  • You realise that what is taught in a public school is a fraction of private school teach their students. they are taught how to get into position of power and how to manipulate the system to benefit them. Every eton graduate has purposely underfunded public schools to give them an edge.  

  • Politic should not be viewed as a business. a lot of infrastructure was needed after the major wars. the infrastructure projects were destroyed or miss managed when the government change parties. a lot of the old labour infrastructure is being resurrected like tramlines in major cities.

    HS2 is not a necessary needed peice of  infrastructure but a poorly managed and executed project that fails to take into account modernisation of technology in the near future and enables the wealthy to travel from london to Birmingham & Edinburgh which is going to have a negative effect on the cities' poorest. 

    Our government when bailing out the majority of large business is halting progress of smaller more independent businesses being created and stalling the inevitable lining the pocket of the rich and not saving jobs.     

  • margret thatcher and theresa may both equally hated.... but i dont say this as hated by the other politicians, generally they were hated by the northern voters more lol the north all seem to blame Margret thatcher for selling off their industry or something, i too young to know but thats all you hear about her from up here, they all blame her for ruining jobs and destroying the northern industry and making us all poor.

    i think pritti patel would be better than boris tbh... but i bet you alot of people wouldnt because she gets alot of hate... usually from the so called left that so called are the side of women too lol but then again that may have changed as the so called left have attacked a few previous womens rights marches in the past few years.