Performance anxiety

On reflection, I think this problem has defined much of my life since childhood. To the point where even now in my late 30s I struggle with interviews, shops or even speaking up infront of family members who often make fun of anything that might give rise to some poor excuse for humour.

Feeling this to such an extreme level, is this normal, does this happen to you? How do you cope with situations where the attention is directed and you, your work, or your life?

  • I agree, but then I ask I think if you had known maybe you wouldn't have forced yourself through the issues and potentially settled for struggling  without work? The figure of only 15% of people on the spectrum being in employment is a frightening statistic.

    But I also think the fact that society of willing to let that be the case says a lot about the world of the NT in general; if it doesn't effect you directly then why concern yourself with it.

    Hats off for getting to where you have. I'm a way off being in a good place with work, but feel proud I've made it this far with all the issues and the chronic illness. At least there is some self pride there

  • The figure of only 15% of people on the spectrum being in employment is a frightening statistic.

    Now I know what Asperger's is all about, I'm finding aspies everywhere - especially the older generations - wherever there is the need for an expert or specialist or in engineering or aerospace or computing - they're everywhere - male and female - almost all undiagnosed - just about fitting in and surviving in their niche interest.

  • The figure of only 15% of people on the spectrum being in employment is a frightening statistic.

    Now I know what Asperger's is all about, I'm finding aspies everywhere - especially the older generations - wherever there is the need for an expert or specialist or in engineering or aerospace or computing - they're everywhere - male and female - almost all undiagnosed - just about fitting in and surviving in their niche interest.

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