Older Aspies in Lockdown

I'm getting a little concerned with some of my friends - all undiagnosed aspies and married - but they're crumbling under lockdown - they're losing the ability to communicate.   

They are all techy / nerdy types and either don't work or work from home so they are not interacting with anyone else - and haven't really spoken to anyone but me for many months.     their wives 'mother' them so they are .descending into bad places.

i'm noticing their behaviours are becoming a lot more introverted and spiralling down.     One of my friends of over 15 years is turning into Ruprecht from "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels"    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKDUDF3cgRA

They all live miles away so visiting is difficult so I can only talk on the phone - any ideas for keeping them sane?

  • As an 'Older Aspie' I can cope pretty well. However, I am compulsively spending - especially on Takeaways, LPs and MP3s. Yet, I still have God-knows-how-many direct debits to pay. (the land we own has me above the threshold for means-tested benefits)

    My main issue is 'Itchy Feet' - wanting to be out-and-about. It's a reaction to my Nan seeing no life beyond our four walls. However, all journeys will remain within Northern Ireland.

  • Yeah - I need to be *doing* something.

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