ASD and metaphor/sarcasm?

I think I am on the autism spectrum but I keep hearing/reading that people with autism struggle with understanding nuances in meaning of words or don't understand sarcasm.

As far as I can remember I didn't feel confused with sarcasm and I've learnt the art pretty well that I am known for my caustic humour. I also love poetry and verbal imagery having been an avid reader when I had more time, as a child relied on a very active imagined alternative reality to get through some school situations.

Does that exclude me from being autistic? I'm afraid of going any further if it's all just in my mind.

  • I have never had any issues understanding sarcasm but I do occasionally not get a joke, usually ones which involve wordplay because I always think that people use their words in their literal meanings. I can't think of any examples, but a similar problem I have is the names of rappers such as Flo Rida and To me that was their names, and it didn't occur to me there was another "meaning" until years later someone told me.

  • I have never had any issues understanding sarcasm but I do occasionally not get a joke, usually ones which involve wordplay because I always think that people use their words in their literal meanings. I can't think of any examples, but a similar problem I have is the names of rappers such as Flo Rida and To me that was their names, and it didn't occur to me there was another "meaning" until years later someone told me.
