Feel Misunderstood during Initial diagnosis appointment

After what has Honestly been several years of recommendations This week I had my initial appointment for diagnosis with asd. During this appointment the Dr asked me about my repetitive behaviours such as my schedule, during this I tried to explain that because of my inconsistent university schedule and a difficult relationship with sleep that I do not have a schedule based strictly off of time e.g. waking up at 7:30 everyday but rather that I have a schedule based on the order of and how I do things in my day to day life. I also tried to go onto explain behaviours such as sticking to eating the same foods and using the same bowels and plates and glasses and such to eat with.  Before I could do this my Dr cut me off and told me he was going to put that down as 'no repetitive behaviours' which I do not feel is the truth.

I would like to know if anyone feels this would be worth bringing up at my next appointment as I really do not want to misrepresent myself or be misrepresented during this whole process or even if I am just being completely incorrect in my own assessment of the situation. Thank you. 

  • repetitive behaviors for autism are categorised into two groups:

    - movements such as hand-flapping, fidgeting with objects or body rocking, vocalizations such as grunting or repeating certain phrases. I hand flap, spin in circles, tap my fingers together and rock. Then I can have destructive stims such as head banging, forehead slapping and also banging my wrists together. 

    - autism traits such as routines and rituals, insistence on sameness (don’t like change) and intense interests. I have a lot of routine and order, I also walk the same way to go to certain places and if that route is blocked it causes me distress. I also wear similar coloured items of clothing. I have a couple of special interests too. Absolutely hate change! 

    food is more to do with sensory difficulties eg taste, so I really don’t like particular food textures or tastes and if someone tries to force me to have them it will cause me a lot of distress. Therefore I tend to eat a lot of the same things every time. 

    i hope if you get chance to read this it may help you understand fully what is meant by repetitive behaviours and as mentioned I would write down what you think your repetitive behaviours are and present them. 

  • Hi, I think u r new so  welcome to this forum :)

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