anyone else given up on relationships --- permanently?

haven't had one in almost a couple decades, and don't foresee one anytime soon, if ever. it's just too hard being around someone, i need to do things my way, i hate cleaning things (except washing the dishes, i love to cook, although it's often the same exact thing), i don't[ bother screwing in light bulbs that burn out (i use solar lights i carry around and prop up, for crying out loud), and my house is so messy and revolting that i can't have anyone in...  i seem to have my own slug-like rhythm, which i don't want others intruding on. in short, i am impossible to be around, and i find others impossible to tolerate, and probably will lash out at them sooner rather than later.

i am very private, very into myself, and don't let others into my world. having another person around, on an intimate or even semi-intimate basis, would just feel like an intrusion. i'd be like a cat on ice. literally. just super uncomfortable and exposed. i can't stand that. it feels like part of my aspergers - this need to be private. there's the social person (try to act normal) and the private person (secret and hidden under wraps). with 'close' friends, i generally am around them only for a couple hours at a time. that's it, without exception.

i feel some in the asd community are very very isolated, while most seem to be fairly or very social. i guess i'm asking the totally isolated ones for their input. 

  • I became a whole lot happier when I stopped trying to find and build a relationship.

    Since then I've made new friends, met more potential partners that would be willing to try with me (and turned them all down) and acquired three cats who give me nice warm cuddles.

    Which is all I really wanted anyway.

  • I became a whole lot happier when I stopped trying to find and build a relationship.

    Since then I've made new friends, met more potential partners that would be willing to try with me (and turned them all down) and acquired three cats who give me nice warm cuddles.

    Which is all I really wanted anyway.

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