High anxiety days

Does anyone else have days when your anxiety levels are through the roof but you can not find am explanation for guy? You just spend all day feeling completely on edge and wanting to cry but not being able to ?

  • Yes, I get these but usually just for a day or two. I had one a couple of weeks ago actually, rather embarrassingly quite publicly on here! They’ve been more frequent since my diagnosis at the end of last year. It’s horrible isn’t it? Do you have something that your anxiety is focused on or is it more generalised anxiety? Personally, for me, there is usually a focus for my anxiety, usually the realisation of a bit more of how having autism affects me. My anxiety just mushrooms and gets a bit out of control. Luckily I can usually reign it back in again within 2-3 days using a variety of coping mechanisms. What coping mechanisms do you use when your anxiety gets really high?

  • Binge watching tv or going out and try to do something "normal" to try and take my mind off it. 

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