Do People Like You? Why don't people like me, is there something wrong with me?

As I've got older - 22 now - I've found that people don't really like me. At work people smile and chat sometimes but I always feel an awkwardness atmosphere.. at school I had no friends, people never wanted to be around me despite me trying many times to talk and make new friends Disappointed . I'm curious as to whether you have any friends and if you notice if people like or avoid you. At work I get spoken to but it feels forced and I just feel really sad because I'm alone and no one wants to get to know me and like me.

I'm a fun friendly girl, I'm thin could possibly eat a bit more but I try my best. I have dreams of becoming a mum someday and settling down with someone, but I just don't see that happening. Is there something wrong with me because I'm like a plague which everyone avoids.

  • Hi, I have been lurking on this forum but never had the courage to post yet. I don’t have a diagnosis but have always been different, when I started school they reported my parents to social services because of how weird I acted, so I have been practicing fitting in from around five. I would practice conversations and social situations at home, and it has taken some time to be improve these skills so I don’t stand out. I still struggle with conversation topics, but have discovered most people like talking about themselves, and so I have some well practiced questions to ask people. 

    One thing that was a success for me was joining a walking group, I enjoy walking so plucked up the courage to join one. To start with no one really spoke to me, but I enjoyed the walking and eventually people did start to talk to me. I’m in my 40’s and female. As it’s a organised walk, several people were walking alone, and I didn’t feel as stressed or like I stood out being alone. 

    I felt the same as you in my 20’s. I still don’t have any friends, but mainly acquaintances as I find friends quite stressful, but feel overall I don’t really mind that now. 

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your reply Slight smile . I'm glad that you have managed to meet people, even if you don't consider them friends I still think that's a good accomplishment! I'm sorry you had such a rough time of it at school, school wasn't very fun for me either. I'm glad you're here, hopefully you will enjoy your time here.

    My sister used to sit up with me at night and we'd practice talking. I can remember lots of nights where we'd just sit up and practice talking and facial expressions. She was so funny sometimes, always full of laughter and was always trying to help me in any way she could.

    I used to go for a lot of walks with my mum and dad. We lived near a forest and we'd often go for walks, especially on nice sunny days. I may look into a walking group as I do like taking walks.

    Thank you for the reply Slight smile .

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your reply Slight smile . I'm glad that you have managed to meet people, even if you don't consider them friends I still think that's a good accomplishment! I'm sorry you had such a rough time of it at school, school wasn't very fun for me either. I'm glad you're here, hopefully you will enjoy your time here.

    My sister used to sit up with me at night and we'd practice talking. I can remember lots of nights where we'd just sit up and practice talking and facial expressions. She was so funny sometimes, always full of laughter and was always trying to help me in any way she could.

    I used to go for a lot of walks with my mum and dad. We lived near a forest and we'd often go for walks, especially on nice sunny days. I may look into a walking group as I do like taking walks.

    Thank you for the reply Slight smile .

  • I have found the walking group to be a success, after attending a few times and being friendly, saying hello, people started to talk to me and include me in events they organise to attend as a group. It does have a very wide range of ages, from 20’s to mainly pensioners, but this doesn’t bother me at all. I think as the group is based around walking, and it’s something I like to do, it was less intimidating for me to join. Although I do admit I investigated where they meet, and went alone and practiced walking into the venue so I would feel more confident going. 

    I hope you find a way to make some friends, as it can be lonely doing things by yourself. I have a partner now and feel quite contented overall. But I do take what people say very literally, so sometimes when my partner is trying to be sarcastic I take him seriously, luckily he finds this funny and doesn’t mind lol!