Failed autism test...

But I have major communication problems and when I watch videos of people with autism speaking about their communication problems it hits home with me, a video I watched yesterday even made me realise why I always pull my phone out to play with/look at when I'm speaking in appointments etc. Never understood why I done that but now I realised it kinda helps me speak a little better.

I have no light/sound sensitivity or anything like that, only the communication problems. They say it's down to social anxiety but I'm not sure.

Is it possible to be autistic with only communication problems?

I failed the test and the psychiatrist said it's just anxiety.... but I don't understand how anxiety can cripple your communication skills as badly as mine every day in life

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  • Responding to others

    Ermm, not specifically but I have communication problems. 

    Using gestures (like waving or pointing)


    Taking turns when talking or playing


    Talking about emotions and feelings


    Staying on topic 


    Adjusting speech to fit different people or situations – for instance, talking differently to a young child versus an adult or lowering one’s voice in a library.

    Don't think so

    Asking relevant questions or responding with related ideas during conversation

    I have communication problems so it depends what this means? Sometimes I can be muted but in terms of related questions / ideas no, but because of my problems I'm not good at getting those questions and ideas out but I think this is a no

    Using words for a variety of purposes such as greeting people, making comments, asking questions, making promises, etc.

    I don't even know what this means tbh 

    Making and keeping friends

    No friends but that's probably cause of my communication problems. 50/50 I think