Autism in the Military

People with Autism are not allowed in the British Military and it’s about time this rule was changed. If you agree please sign this petition. With enough signatures the government will have to discuss the matter in parliament.

  • Still nothing has changed. I may have high functioning Autism but I know I be perfectly capable of being a solder as much as someone without autism can. My autism doesn't effect me. I was part of the air cadets when younger and was fully successful in that. I also have got too grades on everything since. I'm currently doing auto mechanics and I am predicted Distinction. The highest you can get. And that's what I would join the army as. A mechanic. I already know the background of military training and have experience in many military practices. But to the army, no no u have autism.

  • Fully I'm in mpct rn I wanna be in the infantry n I tried to apply for the army n they just stopped my application bcs I said I'm autistic, autism rlly doesn't stop u from being a soldier so I just don't get y.  I'm fully capable just like everyone else who isn't on the spectrum the only thing tha I need work on is being louder that's literally it n tha will improve if they would just let me join 

  • I have Autism and I served in the early eighties.

    I got so fed up with being singled out for the "special treatment" that I engineered my discharge after a mere 2 years.

    I was very good, and made every effort t everything asked of me to the best of my ability, but that Autism difference makes it really hard to fit in with military life.

    Fortunately, not very far away there is a war happening right now, and one side is very, very, grateful indeed for anyone who wants to sign up.

    The training is a bit abbreviated, but my goodness, the opportunities for authentic military experiences is unrivalled! 

    All you need is a ticket to Poland and a grand or so to buy your kit.

    Bakhmut beckons...

  • I had one scowl at me once.

    But to be fair, I was really quite drunk at the time, he was introduced to me with the words " 'Sperg meet Igor, he's Russian".

    To my eternal shame, not only did I reply; "Well, he'd better slow down a bit, then!" but I went on to find my own (unexpected) wit immensely funny as only a drunken idiot can...

    I very, very, rarely drink, he was a very unlucky Russian...

  • No russian ever called me a *******

Reply Children
  • I had one scowl at me once.

    But to be fair, I was really quite drunk at the time, he was introduced to me with the words " 'Sperg meet Igor, he's Russian".

    To my eternal shame, not only did I reply; "Well, he'd better slow down a bit, then!" but I went on to find my own (unexpected) wit immensely funny as only a drunken idiot can...

    I very, very, rarely drink, he was a very unlucky Russian...