Why did it take 12 years?

I'm 54 and only just been assessed and diagnosed with ASD.

I had a breakdown after bullying at work, 75 hour weeks and high stress levels.

I spent 12 years under the community mental health team. They diagnosed chronic severe depression and anxiety and at various times have even diagnosed borderline personality disorder. In those 12 years I have only had 12 hours of counselling,  been on every antidepressant going and even been subjected to ECT.

About 3 years ago I found an ex on Facebook who was a nurse. She told me I had always had ASD and it was obvious. This helped things, in my own mind, begin to make sense. I'd been in a school for Maladjusted Children as a teen.

I raised it with my GP and the CMHT. My GP made a referral. The CMHT took no notice. As soon as I was on the waiting list, CMHT refused to carry on 'treating ' me. They went as far as to say they would only treat me if I came off the Neuropsychology waiting list.

3 weeks ago, after 2 years of waiting, I finally received a diagnosis of ASD. 

During the 2 years on the waiting list I had the crisis team out several times as my mental health care was left to my GP.

Life is already making more sense. I'm not weird, I'm just me.

I still have no idea what happens next. Do I start to get the right support and treatment?

Will This come via the GP or will I be referred to a specialist?

My big question would be: Shouldn't the mental health professionals spotted the ASD? Aren't they trained? Should I ever have been given the harmful drugs I've had? Should I ever have been given ECT?

The last 12 years have been hell. I lost my job, my home and everything I own. I lost my wife.

I feel that if I'd understood myself and ASD I would have coped better and not had the breakdown. If I'd been diagnosed earlier I'm sure I would have dealt with the depression and anxiety better and could have dealt with things better.

  • I suspect that the MH teams expect all the autistics and Aspies to have been picked up in school years earlier so they're simply not looking for it.  Most of us will present as depression or inability to cope with the world - so that's what they treat.

  • I think you're right but as I said, they were aware that I'd been sent to a school for Maladjusted children as a teen. Surely this should have raised some questions. I genuinely believe that the mental health teams need more training to recognise Autistic traits.

    There seems to be a genuine disconnect between mental health services and Neuropsychology.  Why refuse to continue treating depression if you join the Neuropsychology waiting list? I spent 2 years on the waiting list without any support from CMHT, resulting in having the crisis team attend several times. I went to see CHMT and asked for help and the psychiatrist told me she would only treat me if I came off the waiting list. 

  • I think you're right but as I said, they were aware that I'd been sent to a school for Maladjusted children as a teen. Surely this should have raised some questions. I genuinely believe that the mental health teams need more training to recognise Autistic traits.

    There seems to be a genuine disconnect between mental health services and Neuropsychology.  Why refuse to continue treating depression if you join the Neuropsychology waiting list? I spent 2 years on the waiting list without any support from CMHT, resulting in having the crisis team attend several times. I went to see CHMT and asked for help and the psychiatrist told me she would only treat me if I came off the waiting list. 

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