Do you find any antidepressants are effective for depression symptoms for those with ASD?

Many reports state there is no good evidence that SSRIs and othe antidepressants are effective for those with ASD. Certinly I have tried about 30 and never found any that helped me. I wonder if anyone has found one that is helpful in depression ( when you have ASD)?

  • I'm on venlafaxine, which is an SNRI and it works for me (mostly - I sometimes forget to take my night dose!). Citalopram turned me into a zombie and mirtazapine caused me to gain 4 stone very quickly.

    I don't know if there's any research into SNRIs and autism, but maybe have a look or ask your GP. Otherwise, there are the MAOIs, tricyclics or atypicals to try.

    Sorry to hear you've not had any luck so far, but hopefully there's one (or a combination) out there that will work for you.

  • I'm on venlafaxine, which is an SNRI and it works for me (mostly - I sometimes forget to take my night dose!). Citalopram turned me into a zombie and mirtazapine caused me to gain 4 stone very quickly.

    I don't know if there's any research into SNRIs and autism, but maybe have a look or ask your GP. Otherwise, there are the MAOIs, tricyclics or atypicals to try.

    Sorry to hear you've not had any luck so far, but hopefully there's one (or a combination) out there that will work for you.

  • I take venlefaxine too (with a side serving of a very low dose of quetiapine, mainly for sleep). I find its very good too. Nothing much else has worked well for me. Exactly the same effects of citalopram and mirt for me as jenbear!

    Could be venlefaxine works for autism, or maybe is good for lovers of bears jenbear! Bedtime is my favourite :o)