What would you like to see?

Hello everyone,

My name is Ellie. I am looking to start working on some research ideas for a possible PhD in the near future. I am a big advocate for those with autism, and I strongly believe that they should have their voices heard.

I saw a post recently by one of my friends on Facebook about what kind of research those with autism would like, and it got me thinking...

What do YOU think I should research?!

Some of the ideas on her post included looking into LGBT and autism, gastrointestinal issues and autism, and caffeine and autism. Are these any good? Can you think of any more ideas?

Thank you,


  • Hi.

    I think this is very interesting. In our house, I have ASD and am 34, and have 3 children, the youngest of whom is 5 and also has ASD.

    We find it very hard to balance how he behaves at school, and how he behaves at home. When we talk to his teachers it seems like the things we have issues with at home are not an issue at school, and the things he does struggle with at school are fine at home.

    Without watching him at school all the time, its hard to understand the differences, and to work out what changes would benefit everyone the most.

    I would like to know how the different environments and relationships affect behaviour - Teachers + pupils vs siblings and Parents.

    I'm not sure if this is something you find interesting as well? But I thought i'd mention :)

  • Hi.

    I think this is very interesting. In our house, I have ASD and am 34, and have 3 children, the youngest of whom is 5 and also has ASD.

    We find it very hard to balance how he behaves at school, and how he behaves at home. When we talk to his teachers it seems like the things we have issues with at home are not an issue at school, and the things he does struggle with at school are fine at home.

    Without watching him at school all the time, its hard to understand the differences, and to work out what changes would benefit everyone the most.

    I would like to know how the different environments and relationships affect behaviour - Teachers + pupils vs siblings and Parents.

    I'm not sure if this is something you find interesting as well? But I thought i'd mention :)

  • That’s a great subject to focus on. I have found that these seeming contradictions between school life and home life are a cause of great confusion for many people and if we could gain more awareness and insight into this, I’m sure it would go a long way to helping a lot of people. 

    School years can do so much good yet they can also do much damage that can continue on through the individual’s life. I’m sure that more understanding would make the transition from school to work more successful as well. Great idea. I second it.