
I have had social anxiety disorder since a child, tho even that wasn't recognised.  I've had a fairly non functional life so far (i'm early 40's) no relationships, poor work history, a lot of isolation.  

I have ummed and ahhed about asking for a ASD assessment.  I can't make up my mind if i have ASD or not.  The CMHT kind of threw about the diagnosis of AvPD and Trauma, tho I had no proper assessment and they gave me no treatment.  A recovery worker at MIND suspected quite a few years ago that my issue was actually Schizophrenia.  This is what I have suspected for a long time though I have never discussed it with a doctor or anyone (the recovery worker guessed that without me giving any hint).   I have also looked at ASD as I fit a lot of the criteria - the only things that don't add up is facial recognition which I can do (except in social interactions when I can get a bit lost) and things like meltdowns (tho I'm told females with ASD often present differently).

If I went for an ASD assessment and didn't have ASD would I still get a diagnosis of what may be the problem - Avoident Personality disorder, Schizophrenia, Social Anxiety or whatever?  I'm not desperate to be diagnosed with ASD .  What I'm concerned about is getting an accurate diagnosis  of what actually is the issue.    Also if I was diagnosed with ASD and had something else alongside of that, do they give you a formal diagnosis of whatever that issue may be?