Virtual Jukebox

Today I've been relaxing by playing music I listened to in the past (my youth!)

Here's one such song (Supertramp: Logical Song)

Do reply with a song you liked listening to... we can turn this thread into a virtual jukebox! 

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  • I often tune into classic fm and bbc radio 4, the music relaxes me and I find I make my own story to go with each piece I hear, for me it’s like I see a film that fits each piece of music, At times bringing me to tears, once I was so overwhelmed I kept turning it up higher and higher until I could no longer  cope, with tears streaming from my eyes I pulled over my van and had to switch it off to recover myself.

    Anyway I hope as you mentioned BACH you may find the link I added recently to your liking, classical and with a Jazz vibe.
