Private diagnosis Bath/Bristol area?

I'm on the waiting list for Bristol Autism Spectrum Service (NHS) but have no idea how long it will be (I have emailed them to ask but not had anything back), I've only been on the waiting list for about 6 weeks (not including 3 weeks it took just to process the referral) which I know is a pitifully short amount of time, but it's already driving me crazy, especially not having any idea how long I could be waiting-all the letter I got when the referral went through said was that it varies from month to month. As an aside, if anyone has any experience with BASS recently and could tell me how long they waited, that would be helpful.

In the meantime I'm all over the place, especially at uni. Have had both uni disability services and my supervisor ask if I have considered going private though, so am starting to think about it. I need some sort of support, and can't get any without a diagnosis; disability services' best advice was getting a note for anxiety or similar from my GP as that would be as good in terms of support provision-but I don't want to do that, because I don't want it to turn into 'just anxiety'-or I can look at testing for ADD through uni, which is more of an option, though as with any anxiety I have, any ADD symptoms are in my opinion better explained under the umbrella of ASD.

Does anyone have any recommendations for finding someone that does private diagnoses in the area? Had a google and can't find much (have already emailed the one person I did find).

  • Hi, did you find any where in the Bath , Bristol area for a private assessment? Thanks 

  • Good evening whilst I don't know about specific clinics, you may find it useful to search threads within the online community for the keywords Bath/Bristol and diagnosis/assessment and see if other members have recommended any particular places in that area in the past.

    For a private diagnosis it is important that the professional you see has experience of autism spectrum disorders. You can find details of diagnostic services on our Autism Services Directory in the Assessment and diagnosis section:

    Best wishes,

    Anna Mod

  • Good evening whilst I don't know about specific clinics, you may find it useful to search threads within the online community for the keywords Bath/Bristol and diagnosis/assessment and see if other members have recommended any particular places in that area in the past.

    For a private diagnosis it is important that the professional you see has experience of autism spectrum disorders. You can find details of diagnostic services on our Autism Services Directory in the Assessment and diagnosis section:

    Best wishes,

    Anna Mod

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