residential schools

Hi in considering a residential school for my autistic son who is 13. Does anybody else son/daughter attend one. If so have you got any tips or advice on choosing the right one, and what is others experience of these types of school. Thanks

  • My youngest has very severe dyslexia and went to a dyslexia specialist secondary in London. No 6th form. Had other assessemnts and has attention deficit and is on the AS (without diagnosis - professionals concentrated on the dyslexia0. Had a battle with the local authority for specialist 6th form schooling. IPSEA waas great, so were a firm of solicitors. Tribunal ruled in favour of residential school, then the council took us to the Appeal Court.

    The solicitor recommended ST David's COllege, in Llandudno and she had experience of children who went there. We did view STanbridge Earls among others in the southern half of England. St David's is the only one that does not need permission from Sec Of State for Education as it is an approved school.

    My son had 3 very happy years there and then went to Uni for 3 - he didn't manage to complete the course(too stressful and learning systems that don't suit him) but very proud of him. He learnt how to look after himself in a safe environment at school but still can't get around to strange/new places.

    Would recommend you look at every school, visit, see the school in action adn if needs be get on the waiting list. There will be lots to do and many battles if you wish to go down this route. When we viewed Stanbridge E we did not get to see the kids in class or at play. ANother school was the same. Standbridge E also said they would not be able to manage my youngest due to his complexity. My youngest is 24.

    My 33 yr old nephew did attend Stanbridge Earls (after a battle with the LA) and the family have put in a lot of time with him to undo the damage done. He is 33.

    The difference is the attitude of the school - is 'you can do' or 'poor you'.

  • My youngest has very severe dyslexia and went to a dyslexia specialist secondary in London. No 6th form. Had other assessemnts and has attention deficit and is on the AS (without diagnosis - professionals concentrated on the dyslexia0. Had a battle with the local authority for specialist 6th form schooling. IPSEA waas great, so were a firm of solicitors. Tribunal ruled in favour of residential school, then the council took us to the Appeal Court.

    The solicitor recommended ST David's COllege, in Llandudno and she had experience of children who went there. We did view STanbridge Earls among others in the southern half of England. St David's is the only one that does not need permission from Sec Of State for Education as it is an approved school.

    My son had 3 very happy years there and then went to Uni for 3 - he didn't manage to complete the course(too stressful and learning systems that don't suit him) but very proud of him. He learnt how to look after himself in a safe environment at school but still can't get around to strange/new places.

    Would recommend you look at every school, visit, see the school in action adn if needs be get on the waiting list. There will be lots to do and many battles if you wish to go down this route. When we viewed Stanbridge E we did not get to see the kids in class or at play. ANother school was the same. Standbridge E also said they would not be able to manage my youngest due to his complexity. My youngest is 24.

    My 33 yr old nephew did attend Stanbridge Earls (after a battle with the LA) and the family have put in a lot of time with him to undo the damage done. He is 33.

    The difference is the attitude of the school - is 'you can do' or 'poor you'.

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