Advice on medication for depressed Autistic 12 year old

My 12 year old daughter has been in autistic burnout for about a year. She has not been in school for 10 months and probably won't return.

Previously a high academic achiever, loved reading and art but now will only play video games as her special interest. Struggles to leave her room. Won't allow us to bathe her, wash hair, clean teeth. She doesn't see the point in getting up in the mornings.

We have done everything suggested to us, CBT, OT Ed Psych, SALT and there is no change.

We believe she is depressed but we don't know how to get her help as CAHMS won't get involved as they say it is due to her autism and she is not self-harming or suicidal.

We feel like we have nowhere else to turn.

Has anybody had a similar experience? What helped?

We are thinking about medication for depression but we don't know who can help us? Private Psychiatrist maybe?

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