Anyone else have this problem?

Does anyone else’s child try to stop you speaking to people. My son is 8 and whebever I’m talking to someone out and about or on school run or if someone just says hello in passing and I respond he will shout ‘shut up or don’t talk”. He doesn’t like talking to people and that’s fine but he now tried to stops me. It’s embarrassing and rude and also I have to stop otherwise he’s will continue to shout!

Ive tried to speak to him about it and how it makes me feel but don’t seem to get anywhere.

  • It's not just you. I can't give to a solution but it's an issue we have too. It's isolating enough being shunned by other parents because your child is different without said child trying to stop the few chances you get to talk. It's not his fault, it creates anxiety and stress for him but it doesn't make it easy to deal with it.

  • It's not just you. I can't give to a solution but it's an issue we have too. It's isolating enough being shunned by other parents because your child is different without said child trying to stop the few chances you get to talk. It's not his fault, it creates anxiety and stress for him but it doesn't make it easy to deal with it.

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