Vocal stimming

Does anyone else’s child do this? My daughter whistles, it’s becoming something she does more and more often. I get why she does it and she stims in other ways too (mainly clicking her fingers and pulling her hair). The whistling just seems to drive everyone nuts, I don’t know if I should gently point out that a) she’s doing it and b) other people don’t like it or if I should leave her to it. 

  • I would give her times when she can do it. Asking her to stop would cause stress and potentially increase the behaviour as she'd be thinking about it. It would be good for her to have a level of understanding that it can be annoying for people to help her socially but it's important that she knows that she needs to stim and that's ok. 

  • I would give her times when she can do it. Asking her to stop would cause stress and potentially increase the behaviour as she'd be thinking about it. It would be good for her to have a level of understanding that it can be annoying for people to help her socially but it's important that she knows that she needs to stim and that's ok. 

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