Vocal stimming

Does anyone else’s child do this? My daughter whistles, it’s becoming something she does more and more often. I get why she does it and she stims in other ways too (mainly clicking her fingers and pulling her hair). The whistling just seems to drive everyone nuts, I don’t know if I should gently point out that a) she’s doing it and b) other people don’t like it or if I should leave her to it. 

  • i do vocal stimming, making noises with my mouth like sound effects animal noises or singing , making clicking noises with my tongue :) 

  • Would it bother you if you were asked to stop and are you always aware that you are doing it? 

  • a lot of the time yes i am aware of it, and yeah it would bother me if i was told to stop, personally it would be more beneficial to me to know where I can do it rather than just telling me not to without explaining why, everyone should be able to be free to stim, in some situations or places it may not be appropriate so knowing where is safe to do it may be a better way forward  

  • My parents didn't really give two shits, they found it funny more than anything. I'd be trying to sing like Chrissie Hynde or Barry White sometimes. I didn't know it was a stim until I read about them. They didn't even know I was autistic. My mom sings constantly anyway.

    I'd be in trouble at school for mumbling a lot though!

  • stopping the stim she uses to help her will only cause more problems, imagine being told to stop something that really helped you not being able to fully understand why, it sucks, my parents did that with me, it is not good so try and explain some places are not accepting of peoples stims or stuff like that, she should be allowed to do it within the safety of the home, everywhere else is situation dependant I guess

  • stopping the stim she uses to help her will only cause more problems, imagine being told to stop something that really helped you not being able to fully understand why, it sucks, my parents did that with me, it is not good so try and explain some places are not accepting of peoples stims or stuff like that, she should be allowed to do it within the safety of the home, everywhere else is situation dependant I guess

  • My parents didn't really give two shits, they found it funny more than anything. I'd be trying to sing like Chrissie Hynde or Barry White sometimes. I didn't know it was a stim until I read about them. They didn't even know I was autistic. My mom sings constantly anyway.

    I'd be in trouble at school for mumbling a lot though!