Ramblings of the mis-wired....

For those of you that have lost the plot, tangled yourself in the thread, lost a button, misplaced their armoured shelll....hang out here!

This is the Home for the Mis-Wired, waiting for the ferry to Autopia / sitting in the waiting room of diagnosis .....tickets please! All aboard!

How long do you give it before we get our threads in a twist on this one!? 

  • Also built a tandem,great fun,did try a unicycle but never mastered it(yet).

  • I'm so confused I'm not sure what the expectations are any more. House job family most of that's gone through the window. Not great at rules I have a tendency to rebel! But absolutely yes I can see all of you have lots to offer. 

  • You been at the pain killers again luv! 

  • I don't think I have grown up(mentally) as I have a pair of grass ski's to,brilliant laugh going down steep grassy hills,me back says no but I say,ah surely I can still do it! Also built a proper snow sledge,two man,for when it snows at work,grown men having a laugh.

  • So do you feel brace enough to be you...even in his humble ship? 

  • hi missy quite willing to swing by on the old chopper and give you a lift through the sky to Ellie's,maybe then onto spotties place.

  • I'll have what she's having please! Lol

  • Someone write the rule book please....or are we naive to think that there should be rules in place....surely we have something to offer? 

  • What an imagination! I remember those bikes! Sounds like you had fun riding it again! Nice doing daft things in the dark sometimes.. like riding bikes

  • I think they may actually be false expectations that we've put in place ourselves through lack of self understanding for so many years...

  • Those neurotypical b*****ds and their conformist ways! Lol....sigh! 

  • Evening all,looks like a fair bit of rambling been going on,good to see,nice to see new faces as well,spotty just wanted to say thanks for being here for me last nite,you are a saviour.

    ellie it wasn't me knocking on your door last nite Lol,I was nursing my foot after sneaking about I stood on a leggo brick ouch.

    about those two spare rooms? Nah only joking.

    been messing about in the shed and garden,nothing specific apart from my Raleigh chopper bike! Been in the shed quite a few years awaiting a restoration,bit rusty but nearly complete,So orange and rust coloured,perished tyres but both hold air,rusty chain but still works, Got me thinking I better take it for a quick blast. So I did but warned the wife if I am not back soon then look up at the moon as I may be a shadowy figure like ET gliding through the nite sky.

    Well it still goes ok although ape hanger handlebars take a bit of thinking, so there's this 55 old bloke riding a bike from the 1970's in the dimly lit car park,he must be some kind of nut? Not just any old nut an autistic nut,shaken not stirred.any one for two's up? One on the bars,one on the back of the Long seat and one on the little rear rack. So three volunteers.

    we could glide through the sky to find autopia.landing might be a bit of a bump.

    big hugs all()()()().

  • It's uncomfortable stopping fitting into expectations but the hope is that what comes out of it will be better for us to make our future as one person not trying to be two. If that makes sense. Yes hope you all have good a good week ahead. 

  • This fitting into expectations is a repeating theme...but whose expectations are they?

  • Another post with lots in I identify with.. confusion, mum helping me learn to drive, not liking to see injured animals..would have offered to help Ellie with the driving and I will have a spare room too the other one can't get into at the moment! Ornaments down.. really out to wash the walls think I'll have to leave that and go start on the bathroom. At least when I put things back they'll be clean. 

  • I just mean that I'm still fitting into expectations because I'm scared to take them apart, maybe like everyone else, but I need to. 

    Brace yourself for the week ahead Ellie and everyone else. xx 

  • TThat is so sweet...I have two spare rooms so move yourself in..,,what do you mean that nothing will be normal again! 

    I miss you Spotty..and am more vulnerable like you x any animal lost  is such a sad thing x include it a wounded tortoise x x x 

  • It's been one of those old days where everything looks normal and you do normal stuff and then feel very confused because nothing will ever be normal again. I think I just witnessed the demise of a hedgehog at our local pub too which had upset me. I wish I lived nearer to you because I'm quite a good driver and would go with you. I was 17 when I learned to drive, we always lived in the country and my Mum was sick of taxi duty. Two weeks before my test I was rubbish but she took me out every night for two hours and I passed, shook like a leaf when I did, to the point I couldn't drive home! But my car is my freedom even if I can't afford to put diesel in it, my life would be unbearable without it. x