How did your day go?

Hi folks,

Today was the first day of my week-long induction into my new job, working as an Individual Support Worker in day services in a local autism charitable trust.  It was an interesting, if exhausting day.  We all got to introduce ourselves and talk about our experiences with autistic people.  I seemed to be the only one who'd worked in care for several years.  Many people were completely new to it.  It was great to see such enthusiasm, though, for working with people on the spectrum.  Most of the people we'll be working with are severely autistic and need 24-hour support.

I was also the only person there with an autism diagnosis, which I mentioned - and which generated a flurry of interest.  The trainers would often come to me for perspectives, and most people seemed generally keen to hear of my experiences both through working with autistic people and through my own personal experiences as an autistic person.  I think this is really going to be a great place to work!

I was anxious as hell over the weekend - mainly about the journey there.  I did a lot of planning, though (my car doesn't have sat-nav) and didn't get lost once, despite a lot of complicated city-centre navigation.  I have a hopeless sense of direction, and one wrong turning would have left me in Nightmare-land!  I feel so much better now!

How was everyone else's day today?


  • I am the same with my teaching. Love the kids and we have a real rapport, adults are a much trickier and more difficult to unpick x

  • I had a rapport with the kids again disabled either physically, learning or both. In residential I was young and the team looked after me . In school I had bad problems with the staff but loved the kids. Both occasions never managed to build a social life either within or out of work. So it's an odd mix I think? 

  • Contrary to people's perception of ASD...

    1. You're not too intense! So much self criticism from all of us - it is so sad Sob 
    2. 50p penalty fee for apologising (same rule for my students - I call it my pension plan! )
    3. will try and share more of this with you guys
  • Yes that's been a definite for me at times both in work life and at home. I have no control over the depth of emotions and can maintain for so long then burn out. I worked in residential care, education and as carer for mum. I get too involved, can't switch off and no boundaries. This is also mixed in with the depression and anxiety which including the ND eventually led to cfs/fibromyalgia. You see there I go again too intense.. sorry. But yes have been told by medics this happens. Not so easy to guard against either and seems contrary to asd ? 

  • Btw...I keep office with our head of psychology. She was talking to me today about people going to the doctors re: anxiety and depression, but in reality it is compassion fatigue.. I.e drained from worrying and caring for others. Thoughts? 

  • Thank you for keeping House. How are you? 

  • Thank you Missy x

  • Ellie sounds like lots of hugs are required. Sending hugs to the eloquent Elephant lady. Hope you can relax this evening. 

  • Thank you for letting us know how you got on. I have been thinking about you all. Glad Tom and Warrior had positive days and encouraged and supported by their team. I had a quiet day and did far too much rambling posts! 

  • I am not obliging, young man x

  • So Ellie should I ask? Don't feel obliged if it was a bad day.

  • Glad your day was good Mr Warrior. Well done for being brave and stating your case...and you always have armfuls of legislation to refer to to back up your case..,which helps ground and reinforce what you have to say.

    sound advice to Mr T as well...make sure that you don't drown by being everyone's "go-to guy!"

    hope you sleep better tonight 

  • Oh tom I am so very happy to hear all positive comments for your first day,I did worry just one small thing might stop you but I underestimated you.really glad that the others see you as a good place for information.just don't become the cure all for ALL their enquiries,may be a bit full on?

    So we are both useless at navigation,how strange,before sat navy I would sit up half the nite panicking printing off maps,like you one wrong turn and chaos.

    My day was shall we say interesting,I had to be mr health and safety against my managers!took a lot of courage but needed doing,deep breaths,getting wound up but managed to let him speak before telling him"no that is not good enough!" He eventually saw my reasoning and is now being proactive,about time to. My aim was for him to see.

    1)The men will go home safely.

    2)The company won't end up in court.

    3) No big HSE inquiry.

    4)No stigma of court proceedings and potential loss of work.

    Win win win win.

    The guys needed guidance and given a depth to excavate to and then stop for further guidance.On two occasions two gangs have acted less than safe! I get to hear it and my duty is to rectify it but with the necessary answers to stop it happening again.

    So one hours sleep last nite wasn't so bad,very tired now so if I suddenly stop rambling then Zzzzzz.

    Enough about me how did everyone else cope? And that means all of you including those not juggling in the work place.hugs to sooth all.

  • Well done Tom...I knew you'd ace it!